They were almost ready to go,only Maya was left to jump.Maya was actually
hesitant.”What will mom and dad say when they realize that we’re gone?!”Maya scolded
them.”Oh! I never really thought of that. It’s okay they won’t be that worried.”Arisa said
as an attempt to calm Maya down.”Fine. . .”Maya said as she closed her eyes and let her
body fall into the water. As her body hit the water Hana swiftly swam to kiss
her.”Wow.”Trevor, Hana, and Arisa said at the exact same moment.Maya was
beautiful,her hair grew longer,and was the color of hope.Her tail was a deep wandering
turquoise. “Now time to get to business”Said Hana.”The artifact that has become missing
is The Black Pearl of Kontintaisia ,it has been missing for over three days, and our king
can’t help but mourn over the lost of it.Hana stated.”Ok…where was it last seen?”asked
Maya.”It was last seen in the Golden Haze of Pearls ,of course. The Haze is heavily
guarded.” Replied Hana.”Let's start there !” Insisted Trevor.
Trevor, Arisa, Maya and Hana quickly swam to Kontintasia, where all the
mer-people swam worrying about their precious pearl.”The palace is over there ,let’s
hurry.”Said Hana as she pointed.When they arrived at the gates everyone but Hana was
stopped.”Welcome home Princess Hana. Did you have a nice trip?”Asked one of the
palace guards.”Yes and thank you for asking, Novian.”Replied Hana in a cheerful
tone.”Novian, these are my guest ,i’m inviting them to stay here awhile to help me with
some stuff.”Stated Hana in a more serious tone.Novian waved his hand in the air to tell
the other guards to let them in. “Woah!You never told us you're a princess!”Exclaimed
Arisa.”Nevermind that for now , let's go to the Golden Haze.”Said Maya.

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