Chapter 22 ♛ Stanley Hotel pt. 3

Começar do início

"And?" He questioned, getting impatient that I wasn't getting to the point fast enough.

"Hold on, let me finish." I cried out, "She said that she thought Jake and I were dating, because she saw us kissing earlier."

His eyes widened slightly, "What did you mean saw?" He questioned, "And..."

I cut him off, "Do you actually believe her?!"

"Fuck no." He made very clear, "Like she was with us the whole time, so she can't say that, because that would be a complete lie."

"Corey, it is a lie." I cried out again, "You know that I would never cheat on Colby especially with Jake."

"I know that, Atmosphere." He sighed, "But you know how Colby can get..."

"Corey, that isn't fair." I whined, "You saw how many times he fucked me over in the beginning of whatever the fuck we..." I suddenly stopped talking.

"Atmosphere, are you..." Before he could even finish his sentence, I stumbled over to the bushes and puked out whatever was in my stomach.

A small whimper left my lips as I collapsed onto the ground, holding my abdominal region.

"Atmosphere, what is going on with you lately?" Corey questioned, his voice dripping with concern.

"I don't know." I whimpered as he helped me sit up.

"Atmosphere, I don't know if I should even ask this, but are you pregnant?" He asked a question I was too afraid to even ask myself.

"I can't be, Corey." I choked on my tears, "I just can't be."

"Atmosphere, did you try taking..."

"I know my body!" I yelled, only because my negative emotions were getting the best of me, "I'm not pregnant, okay?!"

Watching his face drop, because of the way I was talking to him, broke my heart. Corey has always had the best interest for me, and acting this way towards him isn't right. He's my friend, and I need to treat him with respect.

"I'm sorry." I apologized to him again for my unnecessary attitude.

"Here." He whispered, handing me an unopened water bottle from his backpack.

"Thank you." I whispered, before using it to rinse my mouth.

"No problem, Atmosphere." He sighed with a faint smile. "I know that you're afraid to find out if you are, and I know you're afraid to go to Jake about it, because he will go all "dad" mode on you. And then Colby... well, I honestly don't know how he would react to it."

"He told me earlier today that he doesn't want kids anytime soon." I said, "And I'm on the same boat as him, but we just aren't being careful and that's the problem."

"And why's that?" He asked, giving me a disappointed look like a father would give to his irresponsible child.

"Cause we're young, dumb adults." I mumbled, shaking my head.

A deep sigh left his lips before he spoke up, "Look, I'm not going to tell anyone about this, because it isn't my place to. But I want you to know that you can always come to me for anything. I'm here to listen, and try my best to give you the best advice that I can. But I'm sorry if I'm not enough for you"

Player 3.0 ♛ Colby BrockOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora