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Shravani was heartbroken following the death of her child. It was the third time she had miscarried a child. Neerav, her husband, abandoned her after doctors told him she was too weak to carry another kid. She's been wandering in the woods since then. In search of food and shelter.

She was accustomed to feeling alone. People thought she was unattractive and odd-looking. She has always been told that she is unattractive. She still thinks she's unattractive.And no one could change it. Her spouse despised her for not being as attractive as other women. He constantly said that if it hadn't been an arranged marriage, he would never have married her. He would get abusive at times, and she would be beaten. After all those years, she became very insecure. Her parents and brothers grew enraged when she returned to her childhood home and told them about her spouse abandoning her. They mocked her for not being a pleasant wife. They were embarrassed that they're related to a woman like her. She was shunned by everyone she knew.

She resolved to do penance to Lord Shiva.


"Putri, open your eyes."
"Madhav! Pranaam!"
"Ask me anything, putri.I am impressed by your dedication." Madhav stated.

"Madhav, I've always been chastised for my appearance since I was a child. My parents and husband both abandoned me as a result of it. I was too frail to bear a child. Madhav, I'd like to have a daughter. But please don't let her suffer the same fate as me. Make her so lovely that the moon will follow her and the stars will wish for her. Her beauty would make even the angels of heaven envious. Give her a husband who will adore her and cherish her. Even if she has flaws, he would adore her even more. In contrast to my husband, who abandoned me."

"Tathastu.Putri, move your hands and close your eyes." Madhav remarked.

In my arms, I felt something. When I opened my eyes, I saw a stunning baby. I was taken aback by her beauty.
"I gave your daughter the name Lavanya, which means beauty and grace in Sanskrit. She is radiantly beautiful, but that is the least of her attributes. She would leave an indelible mark on history and be remembered for all time." Madhav gave her a blessing and then vanished.

" Madhav gave her a blessing and then vanished

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