"I'm fine." He sounds like he's not.

"Are you sure, because we can stop-" Ashley tried to cut in.

"No." Why Josh?

"Dude, it's cool-" Chris tried to stop him.

"I wanna hear what it says." He's dead set on this.

"I don't know where to start..." Ashley said to herself.

"Think about it. If this is actually Hannah, I mean, we can find out what happened that night..." Chris is right, but I'm terrified of what the answer may be.

"Josh?" Ashley checked in with him.

"...I can handle it." Let's hope you can, cause I can't.

"Oh...kay. Um.. Let me think..." There's a moment of silent.

"Hannah. We miss you, and we want to know what happened to you. Can you.. Can you tell us... what happened?" At first nothing happens, then the planchette quickly moves.





"Uh oh."

"I don't like this."

"Betrayed." Chris said before the planchette was finished.

"What does she mean-" Josh asked.

"It's still going!" Chris pointed out.

"Oh god-"

"K-I-L-L-E-D.. NO!" Ash yelled. My heart felt like it stopped and my breathing started to quicken.

'Hannah! Beth! Oh god no!'

Chris' hand has been on my knee this entire time, the only reason I realize this is because I feel him squeeze my knee lightly. This calms down my breathing. I take my left hand and I place it on top of his. I feel calmer.


"WE didn't KILL them! It was just a prank!" She shouted.

"Ash, calm down okay? Just- we need to find out more!!" Chris tried to reason.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!!" Ashley kept apologizing.

"Guys, guys... what do they mean?" Josh asked.

"Ask them what happened it's the only way to know! Ask them, Ash!!" Chris pressured.

Part of me want to know what happened to them, the other part of me wants to leave and never come back.

"Okay, okay. How did you die? Hannah, what happened to you?"



"Library! Maybe there's something in the library here-" Chris assumes.

I Won't Let You Die (Chris x fem reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang