Many Faced Puppet

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The voices cried in unison
Each audibly indistinguishable from the other
The voice of one bearing different tales

Achieving dominion through illusion
And relapses into dormancy at the brink of destruction
A macabre life of self-espionage

Joyous and miserable
Stoic and sensitive
Lax and distressed
A question of either transfigured by greed
The unquenchable thirst for omniscience

The self-proclaimed image of apathy
Brimming with over-engaged empathy
Drowning in the cacophony of uncertainty
Occasionally, in perplexing androgyny

Command and control
A mind to go against itself
In a battle against inherent nature
To repress primal tendencies
A life devoid of selfishness

In agony he cries
And in vain he tries
"What more does the world offer but lies?
A tasteless rhyme where all reason dies"

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