Shogun, Oh God

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"Protect those who protect you

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"Protect those who protect you."- Evangelos Venizelos


Sara smiles, "Wherever the timeline takes us."

Erin walked through the halls of the Waverider holding two coffee mugs in her hands. She knew Sara had been flying the ship for a while and most likely needed a coffee break.

However, upon opening the doors to the bridge, Erin lets both mugs fall to the ground with a loud smash, coffee spilling all over the floor and her shoes.

"Sara!" Erin panics, running to the blonde laying on the floor.

The first thing she does is check for a pulse, then lets out a breath when she hears a strong heartbeat coming from the assassin.

The next thing she does is turn to the A.I. for help. "Gideon, what happened?"

"It's seems Captain Lance was attacked, but I am afraid I do not know by who."

That's when Erin hears it; some sort of commotion coming from far away. She was grateful for her advanced hearing.

She kisses the crown of Sara's head, whispering "I'll be right back." before standing up and following the noise to the kitchen.

When Erin peers into the room she finds Mick being thrown over the table by someone unfamiliar, but after a split second she recognizes the assailant as Amaya from the JSA.

She holds a knife out towards Mick and Erin jumps in.

She wraps her arms around the girls neck from behind and throws her away from Mick.

Amaya is quick to be back on her feet and stares menacingly at Erin.

"You are going to protect this murderer?" She practically growls.

Erin looks at Mick quick before focusing back on Amaya and shrugging. "Eh, I mean, yeah."

Amaya only grows more angry and charges at Erin. She blocks the knife and is quick to block it again when Amaya drops the knife to her other hand. However, what she isn't able to block is the kick that the JSA member lands on her stomach.

Erin is sent flying back and her path is stopped when she makes contact with a wall.

She groans in pain and watches as Amaya advances on Mick. Erin notices something out of the corner of her eye and is stunned when she watches a man made of pure steel walk up to Amaya and fight her.

He's unaffected by everything move she does and the knife even breaks when she attempts to stab him. With minimal effort, he knocks Amaya unconscious.

The man turns to face Mick, who looks at him in horror and shock.

"What the hell happened to you?" Mick asks.

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