Shock sets in. and like a zombie I follow him.

"Maybe he's just not ready to talk to yet. Let him settle in and get himself together and stuff..." Connor rambles on as I stand there staring at the ground.

But that wasn't the case at all. He just didn't want to see me.

I went to see him every week for the next month, but nothing ever changed.

I actual started to become friends with that officer. He was the only one who kept me company.

I felt so cold and alone yet it was summer. I decided I had to forget him. I had to move on. I can't live in the pass and let myself drown in misery any longer.

JC Caylen was just a memory.

A beautiful, beautiful, beautiful memory.

That I will never forget.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Eight Months  later from Aresstment*

Summer was coming to a close end. My life was soon becoming more settle. School wil be starting up in a couple of weeks. My senior year. I Couldn't hold back the excitement of feel the end of highschool and I would finally be free, finding myself out in this crazy world.

My father started to work less and spent more time with me, and seemed to be happier. We both talk about my mothers death and the wonderful memories of her, closening our relationship.

However, Sam and Lilly's relationship was falling apart. Sam was torn over Katlyns death and seemed to be absent from the whole Summer. But Lilly informed us that he was taking some special classes to help him accept Katlyns death.

I soon started to feel hapiness again.

A couple days before school was about to begin, Lily, Connor, and me were all hanging out at my house.

After the incident, people were scared to be around us, so we had to stick together.

We were all on the couch watching some romantic comedy movie. I layed into Connor's arm feeling his warmth radiate to me.

"Uhg you guys and that stupid couple stuff" Lilly prented to gag and rolled her eyes, making Connor and I laugh.

"Im just secretly extremly jealous of you, considering you guys are like the cutest couple ever." Lily smiled over to us. "I couldn't agree more" Connor smiled down at me, squeezing my hand.

The words still sounded strange to me.

Connor and I grew very close over the months and I couldn't but to fall for him.I mean, he was perfect.

And I needed to move on.

Even though I was in a room with people that made me happy and I loved, I still felt empty inside.

"Victoria, I got a letter for you/" My father says walking down the stairs. "I was going through my stacks of mail today and noticed this was for you." He said confused. I normally didn't get letters, but now and days, who did?

I raise my eyebrow, taking the small envelope from him confused. The only word on the front was Victoria." Whose it from?" Lilly asks looking over.

"I don't know." I start tearing the letter slowly, curisoity running through me.

I took out the letter and my heart stopped.

To me dearest, loveliest, Victoria,I'm sorry. For everything that I put you through. At first, you were just a new toy for me to play with. But that started to change everytime I saw you. Your shy blue eyes, your warm loving heart... You made me feel different, than what other people saw of me. You became my everything Victoria. But I destroyed it. I could'nt control myself. Just the thought of someone hurting you like Katlyn did, made me wanted to kill someone. And I did. I am a murderer. But then I thought: I hurt you also. That's why I couldn't see you. I was a monster. I am a monster. I needed to set you free. I needed you to be happy. You have no idea how hard it has been not seeing, hearing, and even smelling from you. I miss your presence. Whenever I was with you, I felt safe and warm. I felt loved. But it is just selfish for me to keep you waiting for some thug... So I hope you are happy. I thought you deserved to know, and I pray that you understand. But I desperatley hope one day when I get out, I could feel your sunshine again. I hope one day you can love me again. One day I will show you that I deserve your love... but right now, you deserve anything you want in this world.

I love you.Forever yours,Jc Caylen.

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