Chapter 1: Proving Grounds

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"A 1000 years ago the human race faced extinction at the hands of an alien race we now call Elves. Their Ancient Gods prophesied that we, the human race will one day bring about the Dark Age.

So, they came to Earth.

We sacrificed our home, our family, our future, in order to escape that genocide brought about by these... elves.

Now, we're living out our lives in the far reaches of space, just barely escaping and surviving the ongoing onslaught.

A 1000 years have already passed by.

Brothers now is the time that we set out to reclaim all that we have lost, our lives, our home, our destiny, and take everything else with it!"

Leitz, Supervisor of the 3rd Nemesis Project

Opening of the 3rd Nemesis Initiative, 1027AE M06D07

. . .

The Proving Grounds: Forgotten Mountains

1820Y 09M04D 0600H

He opened his eyes and pitch-black darkness welcomed him with sounds of dripping water everywhere, with some small glowing patches of blue light far ahead. He was still wearing white clothes that they wear during the experiments.

Dazed, he pukes over to what it seems like solid ground. "Azaleah..." looking towards, to what looks like a firefly hovering about. "He' oh" A fairy-like creature floated in front of him then swirled around. "Look, System gave me a nice body." He Ignored her. "Azaleah — Cast Scan," Ordered as he stood up staggering as he did.

"Hmph, you never knew how to appreciate real beauty." She flew above and gave out a single pulsing light. "Nothing here Mat... just you and me."

"Thanks." As he tries to hold his head up; getting his thoughts together.

"System... App... Carto" a blip showed on his HUD indicating their current whereabouts on a blank map. "We need to map up these caverns, to make sure we do not get lost." Azaleah ignored him back then started wandering the area. "System... App... Compass" a letter "N" appeared on the upper center of his HUD with degrees going left and right. As I remember, the town is supposed to be northwest from here.

"Azaleah, Cast Light for 8 seconds." Like a lightbulb, she lighted up the whole area. The place looks like an abandoned mine shaft. It was quite wide, mining carts and equipment scattered about.

A swarm of bats flew out from behind him. Azaleah scurried, cursing the bats while doing so. Out of the darkness, a humanoid figure jump across, catching one of the bats. He narrowed his eyes trying to get a better look at it. Darkness is hiding most of its features as it slumps down at the far end. Only its long dark hair and what looks like a tunic is recognizable.

When suddenly, it turned its head towards them.

A bloody jagged grin with a bat still squirming, greeted him. It had hollowed eyes, nose, and claws that look like bones that came out of its fingertips.

"What —" All he can say as it launches towards him screaming. It went dark again. He instinctively dodges to his left, a swift breeze just went pass him then a huge crashing sound, he could hear pieces of equipment clatter about.

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