"Prince I love you!"

"Take me home with you!"

The last comment made me giggle as I finally made my way into the hotel. I made my way to the elevator and it went up to the fourth floor. When the elevator came open, me and the guards who followed behind me walked up to the door that Madonna stayed in. I turned around, facing them, "Alright, fellas. I got it from here."

They all nodded, Big Chick patted my shoulder and winked at me for good luck. I chuckled, turning back around as they left. I took a deep breath once again, staring at the door, finally working up the courage to knock. I stood there, waiting for her to answer for about five seconds before she finally open the door.

I looked at her in awe. She was wearing a short red dress that hugged her body like a glove, with the sparkly gold necklace that I gave her for her birthday not too long ago laying delicately on her neck. Her makeup was nicely done, while her dirty blond hair was beautifully curled, laying down on her shoulders. Not only that, she had pretty red lipstick on which was the icing on the cake.

"Hey," She said, smiling at me."You look nice."

I was still speechless. Madonna rolled her eyes, shaking her head. She waved her hand in front of my face, getting my attention.

"I'm sorry," I said nervously. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks, are those for me?" She gestured towards the roses. I nodded, handing the roses to her. Madonna brought up the roses to her nose, inhaling the scent. She smiled, then stepped aside for me to come in. I stepped inside her room, shutting the door behind me. I looked around at the extravagant suite. Even though I had a high status and a lot of money myself, things like this never got old. It caught me off guard everytime.

"This is nice," I said, staring at the pretty chandelier that was hanging in the middle of the room.

"Eh, it's a little too fancy for my liking," She shrugged, placing the roses down. "But I'll manage, I guess."

Too fancy? Please, nothing was ever too fancy for me. This room was very huge, it even had its own kitchen. Me and Madonna both walked to the kitchen, sitting down at the table that room service had prepared.

"Ah, I see you ordered one of my favorites," I grinned at her, bringing my seat closer to the table.

"Yeah, you're like the only person I know that would eat pancakes at 9'olock at night," She teases, bringing her plate closer to her.
Honestly, I rarely eat. I can go a whole two days without eating. Not that I didn't want to, it's because I had a very small appetite. I usually just snack on things than to actually have a whole meal. But when it came to pancakes, all bets were off. I loved pancakes, I could eat over a dozen of them if I could.

"So," She starts the conversation off. "How did everything go with Michael?"

I grinned widely, cutting into my pancake, "Girl, you have no idea."

I told her everything, from the moment Michael showed up to my house, to the end where I stole the film crew from him and left him there by himself. My revenge had went as planned and my work was done, I bet he learned his lesson not to fuck with me. Madonna widened her eyes, "You did not."

I shrugged, taking a piece of the pancake in my mouth. She laughed and shook her head in amazement, "You're so mean."

"Says you," I joked, raising my eyebrow at her. "I'm not on your level of mean, though." She laughed, and I laughed with her.

"Whatever," I replied. Later on, Madonna and I were cuddled up on the couch watching 'A Nightmare On Elm Street.' As we were in the middle of the movie, I felt Madonna lifted her head up slightly, placing her hand on the side of my face and slowly placed kisses on my neck. I smirked softly, opening my neck for her to get more of an access. After a second or two, I remembered the main thing I came here for, and as much as I wanted to continue, I had to stop.

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