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A/N - it's the first book i've ever published in English and it's not my first language, please don't hate it

Mike woke up in the middle of the night from the heat and the smoke; it took him less then a second to understand that there's a fire and another second to realize that he has to run. He jumed out of his bad petrified and ran to his door, but when he reached for the handle he remembered something he learned in his school when the fire depertment came to debrief the kids about fire safety rules.

He took a shirt and wrapped it around his head, then he felt the door with the back of his hand; it wasn't too hot so he assumed that the other side of it wasn't on fire. He quickly opened the door and ran to his parents room, he had to make sure that they were awake so that they'll be able to go out; but there were flames blocking the door to their room.

After a second of debating with himself what he should do, he ran to the door that led outside of the house, hoping that his parents were already out. when he got to the door he saw that there were no flames around it, but just as he was about to leave the house he heard something from behind him, he thaought that it might be one of his parents and turned around. That's when he saw some weird thing in the fire, something that didn't make sense. 

Just as he started walking towards it, not thinking at all about the Raging fire around him a beam from the ceiling fell on him and he blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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