Despite my bleak circumstances, I almost laughed at the absurdity. "Infiltrate? Sandor? I'm not here to spy on you, I'm here to get you to talk."

"Come now, Tasha, let's not play games. I don't think you'll like my rules. Now, tell me what your mission here was."

"My mission was to get your stubborn government to communicate with the Federation!" I told him, my anger fueled by fear. "No one would even try to negotiate with them, least of all that Sebastian Grey. Where is he, anyway? I glanced around for hidden cameras, but found none. "Is he watching us, too?"

"The Prime Minister has better things to do than consort with traitors and spies," the man told me, his voice disapproving.

"Well, this was his idea then," I said, knowing it had to be. "You tell him I want to see him."

"I'm not used to taking orders from prisoners," he said.

"Just tell Sebastian to come down here, or I won't tell you anything. I'm sure he'll listen."

For a second, I was not sure what the man was going to do, but then he stood and nodded. A second later, a grim smile broke out on his face.

"He's coming down in half an hour. Well played, though. This is going to be fun."

He turned and left the same he had come. Once he had disappeared, the doors closed and the wall was once again a single sheet of metal. There was no way to open it from inside. After a minute or so, I leaned back and let out a sigh, more frightened now than before the man's visit. They knew who I was and had apparently intentionally captured me instead of just nabbing me alongside Captain Picard and Worf. They could do whatever they wanted with me down here in my cell. Wherever we were, I knew it had to be well hidden. I swallowed hard and prayed that Riker found me soon.


I stood up when the door opened again, more as an attempt to gain a little leverage than as any sign of respect for my guest. As he entered, I tugged down my blue shirt, trying to feel more ready for this.

The Prime Minister strode leisurely through the doorway, his black shoes padding softly on the metal floor. As Grey entered, I found myself staring at him. Although I was certain he was the same boy I had known as a child, I could find no resemblance beyond the black hair and green eyes. This man was tall, maybe six foot or a little under, while my childhood friend had always been on the short side. He was dressed in the same formal black he had worn when I had seen him over the viewscreen. This Grey was also sporting a neat, close-cut beard and a hint of a mustache. But I supposed seventeen years was a very long time, long enough to change someone beyond recognition.

"Miss Lawrence, I am Prime Minister Sebastian Grey," he said as the door closed behind him. The small room seemed to grow smaller as it did.

"I know who you are," I answered. "It's been a long time."

Grey nodded. "Eleven years since you left. Broke out is more accurate. You were in a maximum security facility, and you killed one of the supervisors there."

"Like I had a choice," I told him. I had done what the man had forced me to do and I had come to terms with my actions. "We both know what it's like in those 'facilities.' Now why don't we stop playing around and you tell me what you've kidnapped me for."

"Dominic was right, you are direct. Alright, we can get right to it if you like. But why don't we sit down first? We might as well be comfortable."

I raised my eyebrows and glanced around the cell. If he had wanted me comfortable, he would not have locked me in this cage. Nevertheless, I turned and took a seat in the armchair, leaving the bed to him. I wasn't scared anymore, not of Grey. I didn't harbor any delusions about some bond of friendship we still shared but neither could I bring myself to fear a man who I had known as an eleven-year-old boy who was terrified to leave home for the first time. And, to be honest, the man called Dominic scared me more than Grey did.

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