Chapter 1

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We all sit down at the dinner table and talk about our day. Even though we do the same the everyday. We talk about who we helped. Caleb always helps the most. He's a true Abnegation, unlike me. I've never been like the other abnegation. I'm different. I don't know why though. I think I've been daydreaming too long. My mother notices.

"Beatrice?", my mother asked concerned because I haven't talked about my day yet. "Yes", I reply softly trying not to be rude.
"It's your turn to share your day, Beatrice", my brother Caleb tells me.

I have to lie. Even thought I don't want to, I don't want them thinking bad of me.
"I helped a few factionless..", I say. I lie terribly. I never have been able to lie. I didn't help anyone today, the guilt is sinking through me.

"Are you sure", my father asks me.
I freeze for a moment. I don't want to lie again to them. They're my parents and my brother. But if I told them that I lied, I would get scolded. Because my parents say lying is a selfish thing to do. As it doesn't benefit other, it benefits ourselves.
So I manage to lie, I have to.

"Yes, sorry", I say trying to sound confident.
My parents give each other looks. They know I'm lying but don't say anything, because it would make the other person feel bad, and that would not be selfless.

I go to bed early once I finish my dinner. I just want to sleep and think. On my way up the stairs, Caleb stops me.

"You're a terrible liar.", he says quietly so our parents can't hear.
I don't say anything. The look on my face is enough.
"Listen, Beatrice. I know you think you don't belong here.. But you have to try at least. If you think you don't belong here, than you'll never belong here. You have to tell yourself that you do belong here.", Caleb tells me with sympathy.

I know he's trying to be selfless, but I don't want that type of sympathy right now. So I just give him a small smile to say thank you because being rude wouldn't be abnegation of me.

I walk into my dull room. Members of abnegation don't own many decorations, since we view them as self-indulgent. I quickly get out of my long grey dress and hop into my bed.

I dream of the choosing ceremony, of the aptitude test and what I will choose.

They call out my name. A shiver crawls up my spine. This is the moment I choose my faith. Where I will spend the rest of my life. I squeeze my mothers hand tightly saying a goodbye because I know I can't stay in abnegation. I scoot past my parents and look back at them. The look on their face is full of hope. They believe in me. But soon I will, break their hearts, it will almost be like breaking my own. I pick the knife up and look over the five bowls. Dauntless, Erudite, Abnegation, Amity and Candor. I am about to cut my hand but I can't. I freeze. Everyone stares at me and hisses at me to choose. But I can't. Either way I'll be letting myself down. I look at my parents and my mother gives me a look of sympathy. I cut hand with the knife and I put my hand over the abnegation bowl. But right before my blood drops onto the Abnegation stones my hand slips. It falls into the Erudite bowl, Abnegations enemy. I scream. I ask to do it again but I am not allowed. They do no let me. I am Erudite now. I want to cry. The erudite take my away and I get one last chance to look at my parents. They're eyes are cold, full of hate. I have betrayed my family.

I suddenly wake myself up. I am sweating. I let out a sigh of relief and tell me self that it was a dream. My choosing ceremony is three years away but I can't stop thinking about it. I am only thirteen years old but I can't help it.

I go back to sleep and to my surprise I don't dream about it again.

I wake up and get into my abnegation dress. I head downstairs and have my breakfast. It's a school day today so we're all up early.

"Hello Beatrice", my mother says to me with a smile.
"Good morning, Mom", I reply back.
She makes me my breakfast because it is her turn today, tomorrow will be mine. And honestly, I am dreading it. I always have to get up extra early.

Caleb enters the room in his grey baggy trousers and a grey shirt. Caleb is good looking. He has brown hair and big eyes. I, on the other hand am not so good looking. I have never really talked to that many boys. I wonder if it because of my looks? Or because I'm abnegation? But even the Abnegation boys don't talk to me. The other factions call us Stiffs. I never understood what it meant. But I don't want to ask.

After breakfast me and Caleb say goodbye to our parents and walk tithe bus stop. On our way we see some factionless. Of course, Caleb being Caleb, he takes out his lunchbox and gives his lunch to the old women.
He turns back at me and gives me a look telling me to do the same. I don't want to though. I like my lunch. But I don't really have a choice. I take a my lunchbox out of my bag and give her my lunch. She snacks from me and stuffs it in her mouth.

"You weren't even thinking about giving that women food, Beatrice.", Caleb says to me.

I don't know what to say. I know he's right, but I don't want to admit it.

"I didn't see her.", I say silently so he can't tell I'm lying.

"Beatrice, stop making up excuses. You'd should've helped her"

I feel a bit guilty. Caleb's right, but I just keep walking

We pass Marcus Eaton's house. He works with my dad. He have a son named Tobias. People say that Marcus beat him but I don't know if that's true, I hope it's not. He's in my school and he does have bruises a lot. But I figured that he was just a bit clumsy. He's fifteen years old, he'll be choosing in a few months when he turns sixteen. I wouldn't want to be him.

"Beatrice?", Caleb says rather loud.

"Yes?", I asked a bit confused.

"Were you even listening to my story?", he asks.

I must have been daydreaming. Caleb always tells me stories. They're never interesting so I'm pretty glad that I tuned out.

"Yeah, sorry I just got distracted for a second. Continue." I tell him even thought I don't want him to.

"Okay well as I was saying, yesterday in school I was in science. I found out that when you combine water and.... blah blah blah blah blah blah....", Caleb goes on but I don't listen to a word.

"Cool", is all that seems to come out. But he doesn't seem to notice.

On the bus I sit beside our neighbour, Robert. He's nice but I don't know him that well. His sister, Susan though is really nice. Her and Caleb are flirting all the time now. It's kind of gross.
After a long drive, we arrive at the school. All the Abnegation stay seated. We wait for everyone else to get off and then we get up. It's the selfless thing to do.

Hey guys! So this is my first chapter! I hope you enjoyed it. There will be lots more to go! Thanks for your support and I hope to make a lot more stories. Leave comments about the chapter. Since it's my first it's not very good but I promise it will get better

Thanks guys I love you!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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