"Pedro!" I reached for his arm and he turned around with a small frown.

"Hope? What's wrong?"

"Who was that woman?" I asked. He seemed confused.

"What woman?"

"The one you were just with in the forest." I pointed to the place where he was a few seconds ago. He followed with his eyes then turned around to face me.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He shrugged and walked off.

Something's not right. Why did that woman seem so familiar? I walked back to my little picnic area, racking my brain, trying to place this woman. I picked up the remainder of my lunch and put it in my backpack which I threw over my shoulder. I headed back to the school, I needed to find Doctor Saltzman.


"Ow. Watch where you're going!"

I was so focused on finding Doctor Saltzman, I hadn't even noticed bumping into his daughter. She turned around to see who had pushed her. Her anger quickly faded when she saw it was me.

"Lizzie? Lizzie!" My eyes widened in realisation. I had seen her before, with Lizzie, a few weeks ago. "Do you remember that woman who was lurking around the school gate a few days before ... everything?"
(Landon's death is still a sore subject for me.)

"You mean the one who vanished as soon as you turned your back?"

I nodded."Yes. Who is she?"

"I don't know. She's not an employee, I would know if we had a new one. She could be a visiting-parent?"

"If she was a parent then why was she lurking around the forest just now? She did a sort of spell on a kid and somehow Pedro is involved."

"Pedro? Cute little innocent Pedro?"

"Yeah, but he doesn't seem to remember anything." I answered. "Do you know where your dad is?"

"Try his office or the library."

I muttered a thank you and went to find Doctor Saltzman.


I walked into the library looking for Doctor Saltzman, but it was empty, not surprising since afternoon classes had started. So, I headed towards his office. I barged in and saw him with Dorian hovering over a grimoire.

"Hope! Shouldn't you be in class?" Doctor Saltzman asked.

"Yeah, not my main priority right now."

As I was talking about my lunch break, the school phone rang. Dorian, who was the nearest to the desk, answered.

"Hello? Oh yes, hello Ms. Mikaelson. Yes, she is here actually."

I went to reach for the phone, but Alaric snatched it out of my hands before I could answer.

"Hello? Hmm I see. Let me put you on speaker phone." He said glaring at me. "You're one speaker phone. Now tell me, why are you calling the school phone?"

"Hope called. She said you needed help with a certain vampire problem." Aunt Freya said.

"We've been managing fine on our own."

"It's been two weeks and we haven't found anything. I've been through all the grimoires here. I haven't found a thing that could help MG." I said, annoyed that Doctor Saltzman wouldn't even fathom the possibility of working with a Mikaelson, besides myself.

"Fine." He grumbled as I rolled my eyes and sighed slightly.

"Anyway, I think I have found a spell that will help MG."

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