An Out Of The Norm Day

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When Zoe arrived at school she wasn't surprised to find everything the way it would normally be. It was the first day back at school from the summer vacation and everything was the same. The only difference was that it was Autumn. As she strolled through the school she counted all the things that were normal.

The janitor was grumbling on and on about the students not placing their recyclables into the right bin. "Same old Mr. Preston," she murmured hoping up the steps to the grand doors. The notice board was empty resulting in Zoe rolling her eyes and mumbling, "like anything ever happens here."

Just then her best friend, Kaitlyn Blue, ran up to her. "Zoe I haven't seen you in forever!" She squealed literally squeezing the life out of her.
"You won't see me in forever if you keep hugging me like this," Zoe managed to reply.
"Release Rover release!" Commanded Kamryn, Kaitlyn's twin sister. Kaitlyn let go of Zoe and glared at her sister for at least five minutes.

The twins' father was in the army and he came home every summer and teaches them some of his moves. "The blue twins hate each other; yet another normal thing to add to my list," Zoe sighed causing the twins to erupt with laughter. "Same old Zoe," Kamryn giggled."Don't you mean the normal Zoe?" Kaitlyn cut in. Zoe shook her head at her amusing companions. She was with them before she was even born.

Her mother and their mother were friends since kindergarten to this present day. What were the odds that they would give birth on the same day and their children would be friends for the first seventeen years of their lives? After the girls stopped laughing, Kamryn complimented, "Zoe, you look fab-tastic!"
"If fab-tastic is the new normal that's so what I was going for," Zoe replied sarcastically.

"Oh come on Zoe, I'm sure there's something out of the norm you can savor this semester," Kaitlyn giggled. Zoe loved having the twins around but secretly she preferred Kaitlyn because of how sweet and bubbly she was. Kamryn was a sweet too but at times she was introverted and shun everyone around her so Zoe found it easier to bond with Kaitlyn. "Like what?" Zoe groaned in response.

Kaitlyn's eyes dashed about the room looking for something out of the norm when her eyes landed on a flyer on the wall just above the water fountain. "Look, they've took your suggestion into consideration and added guitar to the music curriculum!" She finally replied.

"Touché," Zoe answered holding back a squeal. The school's music curriculum has always been linked to theatre, choir and the marching band and seeing that Zoe wasn't the best singer she was automatically forced to be in the schools's marching band. Their school always won an award for the largest band because the majority of the school didn't want to sing, and if you didn't choose one you'd fail music.

"Guess I'm finally kissing that dumb clarinet goodbye," she thought to herself a small smile tugging at her lips. She had always wanted to play guitar. "Maybe this semester wouldn't be as normal," she thought.


It was the first session and nothing was normal. To any other human being that could have been the worst day of their life but to Zoe Magnoly, that was a trip to heaven. They had new teachers for every subject for the rest of the semester. It was understandable because most of their former teachers were on the brink of retirement, some even past

it. Luckily all their new teachers were the best teachers making all the classes exiting. The classrooms were repainted in beautiful bold and bright colors, and the library was restocked with the majority of books being of Zoe's taste. Speaking of taste, the cafeteria's food was 201% better and they finally fixed the soda dispenser after three years of being out of service.

Callie Eastman resigned as student body president and as Vice President Zoe willing stepped into office, without an election. Everything was going great.....translated out of Zoe's language to English means nothing's normal. It was the beginning of a great semester for her. To add to the list of wonderful out of the norms, Zoe was sitting between two new students. To be specific they were male. To be even more specific, they were the cutest boys Zoe had ever laid eyes on.

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