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  • Dedicated to Alex Mitchell, my loving husband.

My name is Mallory, I’m an artist. I paint beautiful landscapes and fantastical scenes. They’re of this place, I’ve invented it in my head. My therapist says it’s a coping mechanism. I call it Traumwelt. That means dream world in German. It’s a wonderful place, I’ve dreamt of it all my life and I paint it. My paintings sell really well, too. I’m pretty rich now, but that doesn’t change anything.

My name is Mallory, and I have cancer, it started when I was young, it was minor. They found out when I was nine. I’ve been in and out of the hospital since then, I’m twenty-three now. I’d been in remission for almost a year this time, I even got my own loft. It’s in my brain now.

My name is Mallory, and today is my last day alive. My drug of choice: morphine. I want you to understand this isn’t desperation, this isn’t depression, this is a decision I have made of sound mind. You see, I’m not living for myself now. I realized, I went to dinner with my parents, to give them the news, they started talking about treatments. That’s when I realized. I’m not here for me anymore, I’m here for them. I’m their only child. I’m tired, it’s been fourteen years of cancer off and on again, I was never supposed to live this long. I’m glad for the time I’ve had, but I’m done now. I’m not a bad person, but physician assisted suicide isn’t legal, yet. I’ve left all the documents in order, I’ve paid for everything. This is the end, but not in a bad way. This is a release from the pain and suffering.

I’m just so tired. I’m going to sleep now. Good-bye.

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