"Right, okay. We'll send out a search party and aurors. Do you have any idea who might do this?"

"We have no idea. No one has any reason to take him."

"I'm going to personally lead this investigation and I promise we won't stop until we find him." Kingsley said.

"Thank you, Mr.Shacklebolt." Draco said.

"Mr.Malfoy, we will find him."

Draco just nodded before leaving the office. He was still holding Hermione's hand, he was scared to let go. Hermione's hand was acting as an anchor to reality.

"Draco. I think we need to contact the muggle police as well." Hermione said, gently.

"What?" Draco asked in shock.

"I think it would be best to tell the muggle police."

"Are you out of your mind? There is no way I'm trusting muggles to find my Harry."

"Draco. Please."

"No. Absolutely not. The muggle police are useless."

"Draco, the muggle police are actually very good. They could be extremely helpful and we would have more people searching for him. Please, Draco, it would increase the chance in finding him." Hermione pleaded.

It felt wrong to involve the muggle police in this. Draco was used to working with wizards and only wizards and wizards could do so much more then the muggle police. But, as much as Draco hated to admit it, Hermione was right. There would be a higher chance of finding him.

"Fine. We'll go after I see Molly." Draco said.

Hermione just squeezed Draco's hand in response.


As soon as Draco stepped in Ron and Hermione's flat, he was greeted by Molly Weasley. Molly had become like a second mother to Draco. Narcissa was on house arrest for the rest of her life and refused to talk to Draco. Draco didn't mind though, Narcissa only stood back and watched while Draco was forced into becoming a death eater.

Molly had welcomed Draco with open arms. She took care of him like he was her own child.

"Oh, Draco. How are you?" Molly asked, leading Draco to the sofa.

"I don't know." Draco replied, trying to push the lump in his throat away.

"Oh, my dear boy." Molly brought Draco into a hug. "You know I'm always here for you, no matter what."

"Thank you." Draco whispered.

Ron, Hermione, Draco and Molly sat and had a cup of tea and talked everything over before Draco and Hermione left for the police station. Draco was still hesitant in letting the muggle police get involved but he knew it was best.

"Draco, you know they're going to make you talk about it, right?" Hermione asked.

Oh fuck, Draco did not know that. He thought he would just have to say Harry was missing like he did at the ministry. He couldn't talk about it again, he just couldn't. Every time he says it, it becomes more real and all of this became further and further from being a nightmare that Draco could wake up from.

Draco just nodded and looked out the window. He felt his heart quicken as the police station came into view. Fuck, he couldn't do this.

"Hermione, I can't do this." Draco whispered.

"Draco, look at me." Hermione said. "You can do this. I'm going to be with you throughout the whole process, okay."

Draco just nodded.


The atmosphere inside the police station was serious. Too serious. Everyone was quiet apart from protest coming from those who had been arrested. Draco looked around, his eyes landing on the board that held several missing people posters. Harry's face would be up there soon. Harry's face would be in newspapers soon. Harry's face would on the news soon. All reminding Draco that his world had disappeared.

Draco tore his eyes away and walked up to the front desk.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The receptionist asked, her demeanour seeming too sweet for a police station.

"I'd like to report a missing person."

"Okay. Could I just take a name and an officer will call you to have a chat." The receptionist said.

Jesus Christ, chat? Chat? A chat is what you did when you went for afternoon fucking tea, not when you're reporting a missing person.

"Draco Malfoy."

"Lovely. If you could just take a seat and someone will be with you soon."

Lovely? Draco wanted to scream 'Oh please, enlighten me. What is so lovely about this?' but he didn't. Draco knew he had to contain his anger.

It was about ten minutes before Draco's name was called. He and Hermione followed a police officer into a small room.

"Hello. My name is Officer Dan Phillips and I will be leading this case."

"Hello. I'm Draco Malfoy and this is Hermione Granger." Draco shook the mans hand.

"So, I see you're here to report a missing person?" The officer asked.

"Yes, sir."

"Can I have their full name, age and when they were last seen please."

"Harry James Potter, 23 and he was last seen last night around one o'clock at a house party."

"Right." The officer scribbled. "Do you think he could have gotten very drunk and walked off?"

"No, sir. Harry suffers from severe anxiety, depression and PTSD and he's not one to just walk off, even when drunk. He only ever sleep at our flat or Hermione's flat." Draco said.

"Our flat?"

"Harry is my boyfriend and we live together. Hermione is his best friend."

"Were either of you at this party last night?"

"I was, officer." Hermione said.

"Can you tell me when you last saw him?"

"I was on a sofa with my boyfriend when Harry came over. We spoke for a bit before he said his felt sick and he went outside. That was the last time I saw him and that was around one o'clock." Hermione said.

"Okay. So we are going to need the address of the house where the party was held and a guest list so we can question people but firstly, does he have any relatives we can contact?" The officer asked.

Draco and Hermione looked at each other. Yes, Harry did have relatives. An aunt, an uncle and a cousin who abused him his whole childhood.

"Yes, but they won't care."

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