Chapter 13: Creature of the Dark

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Third person's POV

    "You sure are one hell of an hungry ugly creature." You said appearing behind the demon with your purple nichirin sword out about to cut its head off but he easily dodge it by jumping backward.

  You click your tongue annoyed of the outcome and landing behind of his dead victim who was missing half of its body. " "Disgusting." You mumbled to yourself  looking at the demon licking its bloody hands while staring at you as you glance to his victim once again, organs were visible to see under the night sky and by the size of the body and texture of the skin, it must be a teenage women.

   'Poor one, I was too late to save you. Gomen.' You thought looking down at the half body of the victim before you.
   A single loud heavy footstep made you look up just in time to block the demon's sharp claws. "Don't you dare interrupt my meal." He growled pushing you backwards. Stepping to the right, you duck down and swept him off of his feet using your sword you cut his hands in the process before back flipping when you saw how he regenerate in a blink of an eye.

    Frowning you stood up holding your sword on the other hand and shake the aching other one that previously hold the sword and eyeing the demon in front of you. "How many people have you devoured?" He laughed maniacally at your question giving you a grin as if he's looking down on you and this action of his irritates you.

   "More than I can remember, I think half of it was a demon slayers like you." You scowled at his reply before pulling out a knife you hid at the sleeve of your haori and throwing it to the demon before running towards him. The knife were merely a distraction. Once he took the bait by letting it stab him, his body swallowed the knife before running towards you with great speed, claws were screaming for flesh. You dodged to the side at the nick of time, you fall to the ground as you were squatting with one hand to the ground and facing the demon's back before you pull another knife out and aim it in his eye when the time he immediately turn around to face you which successfully caught him off guard as he took a step back to dodge it due to how fast you threw the knife.

    You took the chance and cut off both of his arms in a single move and before he can even retort an attack, he's head were already falling down to the ground. He didn't have the time to process what happened the moment you swiftly sliced his head off.

   ' slay..s.' The demon thought as he finally processed what just happened, looking at your back with such anger, his head had already touch the ground and you had sheathed your sword before turning around and this time, you were the one who's looking down at him.

(Y/n) POV

     I let out a soft sigh as the remains of the demon had finally turned into ashes and dispersed into the air. Cracking my back I let out a satisfied groan as my whole body ache for traveling and doing missions, and this was my fifteenth mission in whole four weeks.

  Sighing once again I pull out the Phoenix hairpin in my hair, I rearrange my hairstyle into a bun before placing it back in and facing away walking towards the demon's victim. Reaching up to the corpse I cover up my nose as the organs that was sprawled out produce such foul odor.

  The sight was enough to traumatized someone who hadn't saw such a brutal way of death.  Looking away, I started to dig up a grave and burying the remains of the victim deep down from the ground before placing a flower that I pick nearby over the grave. Kneeling down to the ground I closed my eyes and fold my hands together to pray for the corpse, although its not my nature but something inside me spark me to do so, also as a respect for their culture.

   Standing up, I turned on my heels and began to walk on the opposite direction entering the sea of tall trees. Just then, Taro came flying to my shoulder.

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