Chapter 2: My new life

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An: just to let you know. Im a Filipino but English is not my second language so i am a tinsy little bit bad at English even tho im still improving my writing skill.

Move on~

(Y/n) POV

   The time sashi and I entered the dojo, we were met by a two worried figures, as the memory that was shown to me. I presume we were met by the parents of the original owner of this body.

  "(Y/n)!! Where have you been!? Im worried sick" the female said which I think I will treat as my mother, said. 'Gotta live this new life as the original owner of the body. And better not screw it' i thought as I gave a nervous laugh towards oka-san.

"Don't disappear all of sudden! Yuan who I arrange you to marry will arrive in a few days. You better fix and ready yourself" Oto-san said, earning a 'tck' mark pop on my forehead.

  'Why not be worried that your daughter was almost killed, a**hole!!. And yet you only worry of the marriage!? Now i know why the real (y/n) ran away!' I curse inside my head as I secretly clenched my fist and cover my mouth with the sleeves of the kimono I'm wearing.

    "I think your worrying that she had run away from the marriage you had set her up, not even bothering to hear her consent." I mumble referring to the owner of this body as I gave a closed eye smile but the corner of my mouth was slightly twitching as I was containing my outburst and not to screw this up.

"What did you say?" Oto-san asked as he faced me with a glaring eyes. "Nothing." I said on monotone yet innocent voice.

   "You better get ready for yuan arrival in a few days, sashi follow me and let's resume your training" he said sternly before turning on his heels and walking off, followed by sashi leaving me with oka-san.

   "My, my, you look like a mess" oka-san said worriedly as she came towards me and starts checking up my wound. 'Thank you for pointing out the obvious, mother.' I thought sarcastically, 'thank the lord, I pay attention to my father Japanese lesson in my early age or else I would have messed this up' I said in my thoughts mentally sighing.

"Come on, lets treat your wound" oka-san said holding my arm and leading me towards a room. I presume it was (y/n) room and now it is my room.

  "Come on dear, take a bath and i'll get something to treat your wound" oka-san said as she went to the other side of the room rummaging through the drawers while I went to where I knew the bathroom was.

   After glancing side to side, I finally saw what I was looking for. A bathroom finally. Walking up to the said door, I slowly slide the door to reveal a normal size hot spring surrounded by small bamboo that keeping the water in place. "Wow for a normal japanese bathroom it sure was amazing, I admit this caught me off guard a bit." I said admiring the hot spring in the middle of the bathroom and a red roses plant nearby giving such an aromatic scent. (An: I don't actually know what traditional Japanese bathroom look like so. I just made something up)

    By having enough of the view I entered and stand at the edge of the hot spring. "Finally a hot bath to relax and wash off the dry blood, not that I was bothered by it anyway." I said shrugging my shoulder and taking my blood stained clothes off from my body and pull out the hairpin from my hair causing it to fall down until my waist before placing my bloodied clothes and the hairpin at the edge of the hot spring and started to drip myself down to the hot water.

  "Ahh~" I moan in relaxation as my muscle relaxed into the hot water, I breathed in as the sweet aroma of the roses near the edge of the hot spring gave fragrance to the air and water.

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