[11] The Tower

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"Guys help pascal is missing!" I was a little upset about getting interrupted but it didn't bother me too much. I got up and went to Rapunzel."How long has he been missing for?" She was really freaking out and I was trying to calm her down."Well I was supposed to have dinner with him but I lost track of time and I went to go find him but I can't! I don't know where he is and he would never just leave out of nowhere!"

(Ok I know that there were just having lunch but just pretended it was a long lunch, ok?)

"It's ok Rap, we'll go find him." I say putting my hands on her shoulders."Ok thank you (Y/n)." I smile at her before going to Varian." Sorry." I mouth to him." It's ok." He mouths back. "Rapunzel I can help you look for him too."
He says getting up." Thank you Varian." They went out to go look and I went to (W/n) and picked her up. I put her on my shoulder and walk out of the room.

We looked all night until morning. Eugene, Varian, and me were all very tired. Varian was supposes to stay the night anyway but he had to be home later that day. It had started to become morning Max helped us look for pascal. But we were all super tired. Cassandra did try to get Rapunzel back on schedule on today but she wouldn't have any of that. I get, if I lost (W/n) I don't know what I would do.

We decided to make some missing posters for pascal."How's this?" She showed us a very sad drawing of pascal."Well it's good likeness, but why does he look so terrified?" Eugene asked."Because he's so scared and all alone and... frighten without me. He ran away, and it's all my fault." She said as she sat on her bed starring at the poster."I have been so busy with other things that I've neglected our friendship." "And plus you missed dinner with him." Eugene commented not make things better. "Uh, but don't be so hard on yourself Blondie."

"Don't worry Rapunzel, we will find pascal." I say as I sit next to her. "Wait, I know where he is." We left the castle and headed to the tower, yes the tower.
It was so weird going there, it was weird to think that my whole life changed because of what happened at this tower. Rapunzel went up the stairs in the back of the tower and went up. We waited for her and after a while she came back with pascal.

I was glad she found him. We went back to the castle and I helped Varian get his things together. "Well it was nice seeing you again." I said lining on my door." Yeah it was nice." He said nervously."I'll write you a letter soon." I say trying to keep the conversation going." Cool, I can't wait."

(Oh goodness this too awkward every for me to write)

"Well bye." He says sadly." Bye." I said slowly waving." Wait!"

I ran up to him and without thinking and I kiss him. I put my hands around his neck and he raps his arms around my waist.

At least that's what I would do if I had the courage to, but I don't. "What is it?" He ask turning around to face me." Oh well I was thinking you should come over next week again for lunch or something." I say awkwardly.
"Oh sure, well bye." He said leaving.
"Bye." I then walk back to my room.

"Ugh! I'm such a loser!!" Even with my loud complaining, I heard someone knocking at my door. "Come in." I say still groaning in my pillow.
"Hey it's Rapunzel, what are you doing?" She says coming in my room.

"Just bullying myself and my social skills." I replied getting up."Interesting, So I just wanted to say thank you for helping me find pascal. I know I was going crazy but I really appreciate you helping me."
I smile sweetly."Of course!" She then looked really excited." Also my parents want to tell you something so you can meet them later tomorrow." I nodded in response, she got up, leaving but I noticed a big smile on her face as she left. Though I shrugged it off and got ready for bed. I was so tired after that crazy day.

Time Skip
That morning

I woke up ready for the day. I got dress and went to do my chores. I ended up finishing them pretty fast. Then I remembered that Rapunzel said that the King and Queen wanted to talk to me. I went to the castle library which is where they usually are. I walked around and finally found them.

"King, Queen, I heard that you would like to talk to me." Queen Ariana smiled before answering with."Yes, we would. We have something very important we would like to talk about." She said with a smile. I was so curious about what she was going to say.
Sorry that this one was short but I just kinda wanted these couple chapters to go quick so we can get straight to the part everyone is looking forward to.

A New Beginning (Varian x Reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ