[15] Queen for a Day? Pt 1

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I traveled quickly back to the kingdom.
When I finally got there I rush to change my outfit to something more formal. I walk to the meeting room and see my father, mother, and Rapunzel. It's still a bit strange to me calling them that, guess I'm still getting use to it. "Father, You needed me?" I ask coming closer. He smiles before speaking."Yes, as you know, me and your mother are going on a trip together for two days, leaving Rapunzel in charge as Queen for a few days." He says.

I nod as he speaks."Well we also want you to help her, and the kingdom in any way you can. I'm sure your sister will appreciate the help." He says as Rapunzel smiles."Of course! Was that all you need me for?" I ask a little taken aback if that was all. "Oh no, we want you to sit with us as we do listen and solve the problems of the town's people. I think it will help you understand how these days will be like."

"Of course, I'll be glad to join you."
I'll say the sit in wasn't very, fun. I was a little disappointed by it but tried to not let it get to me. Luckily all that was over and today mother, and father were going on their two day trip. I was sad but excited at the same time. "Now you'll help your sister out, correct?" Father ask with a silly grin. "Yes, and you shouldn't worry about us. You two need to enjoy your time off!" I say.

"She's right, no need to worry! The girls will be fine as long as they have each." Mother says looking back at him. "I suppose you're right, but I'm the father. Can't stop me from worrying about my girls." He says. I smile, I felt so loved by them. I suddenly was more sad to see them go."Bye! Have a great trip!" Rapunzel shouts, waving good bye as they left, I wave as well.

After they had left, Rapunzel had to step up her duty's. I help her as much as I could. One or her main jobs was to her out the towns people's concerns. Trust me it was more difficult then it sounded. Not every problem had a perfect solution. In the meantime, I was help Cassandra around the castle. Doing whatever I could, and more. I wanted to help in anyway possible.

I decided after awhile inside, I needed some air. I walked down the halls all the way outside to the gardens. I found a bench and sit, releasing a long sigh. I slowly lift my head up and face the cool blue sky. I stare a bit more, until I noticed little white sprinkles of snow falling down. The snowflakes fell gently on my cheeks. It made me really excited, even if the cold can be annoying at times, everyone one can admit that snow is really fun.

Because of the snowstorm, Rapunzel declared it a official snow day. It was an amazing experience, I've never been able to enjoy the cold weather like this. Later in the night, we gathered together as Xavier told The Legend of Xan Tiri. One, I of course, have never heard about. "Eons ago, an evil warlock, Xan Tiri, had a deep hatred for Corona. And cast a spell which caused a blizzard to sweep across the land. The storm destroyed everything in its path. All would have been lost, had it not been for the ancient engineer, and inventor, Lord Demanitus. Using both magic and science, Demanitus built a massive subterranean machine, deep in Corona mountains. This mighty device had the ability to change the direction of the wind, and it pushed the flurries out to the sea. The day was saved. Xan Tiri had, indeed, been defeated. But some say the curse of the storm lives on and is simply waiting to strike again."
He ended.

"Waiting? For what?" Rapunzel asks. "For Corona to be at its weakest." Xavier answers. "But it is only a legend, right, Xavier?" I ask, curiously. He chuckles for a moment before answering. "My dear, every legend is born or truth." The silence echoed, with the background of the breeze drifting. "Woah, bravo! Way to keep the party going as always, Xavier." His says, but is soon meant with the rushing sounds of rough winds blowing. It causes everyone to hold onto them selfs, as the winds get tougher.

"Okay, um, I think for everyone's safety, we should all head indoors." Rapunzel says, as everyone follows behind. Before we head inside, we hear the noises of a horse. It was Maximus, me and Rapunzel quickly sprint to him. "What happened? Are you okay? And where...Maximus, where are our parents?" She says rambling on with questions. The last one making him turn to his harness.

"It looks like there was an accident up on the mountain."Chief said, point to the broken lease. "Accident?" I ask, worried. "Girls, I think your parents are in grave danger."
As princess, I made it my job to take good care of my people. As the storm got colder, we held together people in the castle. We had hot soup, and yea served to everyone. Giving blankets out, and keeping to fireplace warm for them all. Rapunzel was even debating wether or not she should go look for our parents. As much as I was helping, the people still needed their standing Queen.

Eugene and his friends decided it would be best if they went to find the King and Queen. It was so hard to see them go, knowing how bad it was getting out there. But we trusted the we come back safely with our parents.

The storm was getting worse by the minute, and everyone was voice their concerns. There was so much debating on what to do, what was the right call, and what would keep our people safe. I left the room silently, i couldn't possibly think with everyone else voices shouting. I walked down the halls a bit before hearing some noise.

The sound of foots steps racing then a quick stop, then to softer steps. I look down the halls to see who it was and I see Varian, talking to Rapunzel. He looked so scared and sad. I didn't want to interrupt so I stayed silent, trying to understand what he was saying. He gets more loud and starts to say things about his father. How he was being encased by the rocks, how he needed her help, because of her connection with the rocks.

Things get more chaotic from here, as the guards soon grab Varian as he shouts out, You promised! Without thinking race after them. "Varian! Stop! I demanded you to stop!" I say sternly. The guards turn to each other the to me, soon dropping him. "(Y/n)! I-" but before he could speak I grab his hand. "Rapunzel can't help you, she has a kingdom to worry about. But I can, I don't have a connection with the rocks but I can do what I can to help you Varian." I say sternly, then letting go of his hand.

His face still, but then back again as I ended. "Yes! I-i know you can help, follow me!" He says running off. I follow him but then I remember I had something that was the only thing I've ever had about the rocks. "Wait I think I have something that can help us! Something about the rocks! I'll get it and meet you back at your place!" I yell out sprinting off to my room.

"Okay! Meet you there!" He shouts back with a small grin, then running out. I've never run so fast in my life as I did then, because I knew this was important. I got to my room to get my journal, I looked for the page and there it was. The song, the one in my dream.

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