Chapter 2, "Nightwing"

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8 am, Gotham City.

Beau Cash.
Waking up in the morning was usual but hard. Luckily today was the weekend, which meant no school. I looked to my alarm only to find it at 8 o'clock on the morning. Dangit! I just wanted to sleep and relax the day away. Unlike Ivory, she was more energetic than I was. I planned on going back into dreamland when dad decided to shout to me.

"Beau! We need you to get up and down here to eat your breakfast then go check the mail!" I groaned as I shouted back forced myself out of bed and got a pair of flip flops on. I went downstairs rubbing my eyes as I entered the kitchen, there Ivory was already dressed and grinning at me.

"Well somebody had a good night's sleep yesterday." She laughed as she took a bite of her french toast.

I yawned as I sat beside her grabbing the toast. "Easy for you to say, you're NEVER tired. Completing projects all too early."

"Well, that's how I roll, brother." She stated as she patted my back. I only rolled my eyes playfully.

Mom chuckled as she brought the eggs towards us. After eating, I did the objective dad told me to do, check the mail. As I went outside, I looked up around the lot only to see a few cars drive by. Rarely anybody was in the neighborhood. It was pretty cloudly and foggy as usual this season. As I looked through the mail, it was the same old thing, pay rent, electric bill, all that. I wished something new would happen these days but, I knew that nothing's ever going to change.

I walked back inside sitting beside my sister, who was on the couch watching the news. "Nothing new yet?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Nope, same old bills and shit."I sighed. "Ugh...And while we have a boring ass weekend."

"Language." Ivory warned as I rolled my eyes looking at her and leaning against the couch.

"What? I can't cuss?" I questioned as I crossed my legs on the coffee table.

"Mom's on the phone and-"She was cut off.

"You know I don't like hearing that in my house, son." Aw crap, dad. I looked up seeing him standing there with his arms crossed as he got ready to leave for work.

"Sorry, pop." I apologized.

He only ruffled my hair as I gave him the mail. "Why don't you kids go out or something? You don't need to be cooped up in this place."

I looked over at Ivory who was too focused on the news, "We can do that later, I'm more interested in the story of a murder right here, which was in an alleyway, near 12th street." Ivory said.

Dad chuckled and took the remote from her turning off the tv. "Maybe I should take you to Arkham, you can study your little 'detective' work there. But seriously, go outside or something, just watch out."

"Ha, yea, I gotta dressed." I said as I got up going to my room. All I put on was a pair of jeans, nike shoes and a simple black shirt with a sweater. "Come on Ivy! Let's go!" I yelled.

"I'm coming!" She shouted as she and I headed for the door opening it.  The cold air of the wind hitting out faces. It did feel nice to have a breeze once in awhile.

"Be back soon! If you stay out later, be home by 5! AND STAY OUT OF TROUBLE!" Dad shouted.

"We got that dad! See ya later!" I shouted back as Ivory and I left the house.

As we walked down the stairs and down the street, I looked to her. "So where should go? I only have about twenty dollars on me."

She only shrugged as we went down our path, "I don't know. How about the liquor store? Waste it all on chips, protein bars, and maybe some coca cola."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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