Meeting Each Other

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(There's a tree between Addison and Bryce's window, that they can sit in the middle of. It's like Alexa and Katie, if you've watched Alexa and Katie)

Addison: Who's ready for high school?!
Dixie: It would be much better if we had parents.
Addison: Hey, that was a long time ago.
Mads: Ya, and that is how we found each other.
Dixie: I guess.
Addison: Hey, cheer up.
The Next Day (In class) (First period)
Teacher: Ok everyone, your seats are in the pink sheet on the back wall.
*Everyone goes to the back*
Mads: Thank goodness we're all together.
Addison: Hey, aren't the other people's names our neighbours?
Dixie: There names do look familiar.
*The girls sit down*
Addison: Hi, I'm Addison.
Bryce: Did we ask?
Addison: I was just being polite.
Bryce: Well I'm Bryce, and I don't care.
Dixie: Do you guys by any chance live on Ridgewood Road?
Tayler: So you guys stalk us?
Dixie: No, we just recognize your names.
Tayler: Then in that case, we do. I'm Tayler.
Dixie: I'm Dixie.
Mads: Then you must be Jaden.
Jaden: That's me.
Mads: I'm Maddison, but I prefer for people to call me Mads.
Jaden: Like Bryce said, we didn't ask.
Mads: Great, our table group includes rude and annoying people.
After Class
Bryce: So we'll meet at lunch?
Addison: Excuse me?
Bryce: We're going to have lunch together.
Addison: You were rude to us at the beginning of class and you expect us to have lunch with you?
Dixie: That's not right.
Tayler: Then what's right?
Dixie: Try being nice to us.
Jaden How?
Mads: How about we walk home together after school. If you guys are nice during that whole walk, then we can start to hangout.
Jaden: Deal.
Girls: Later.
Boys: Bye.
After School
Bryce: So what do you guys do?
Addison: What do you mean?
Bryce: What do you do in your free time?
Addison: Nothing special.
Dixie: Addi! There's the ice cream truck!
Tayler: Do you guys always get ice cream?
Dixie: Inly in the first day of school. It's a tradition.
Tayler: Cool.
Mads: Do you guys want any?
Jaden: Why are you guys being so nice?
Mads: We're just being nice.
Jaden: Then sure.
Addison: What flavour?
Boys: Doesn't matter.
Ice cream truck person: What can I get you?
Addison: 6 vanillas please.
*After they get their ice cream*
Tayler: Tell us a little bit about your background.
Dixie: Well, we don't have parents.
Mads: They all died in the shooting a few years ago.
Jaden: We're so sorry.
Addison: It's ok. We just try not to think about it.
Bryce: At least your parents loved you.
Addison: What are you talking about?
Jaden: Our parents kicked us out a few years ago.
Mads: We're sorry.
Tayler: We like to think that someday they'll show up at our house and let us back into their lives.
*Dixie holds Tayler's hand and they smile at each other*
Bryce: But like you guys said, we try not to think about it.

Braddison, Tixie, JadsWhere stories live. Discover now