Chapter 2

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I woke up to my new room being illuminated by the sunlight that came through the window above me. It was 9AM, which was surprisingly early for me to be up on a Saturday morning.

I made my way downstairs to find everyone was there, my brother already setting up his console, much to the annoyance of my father.

"Mikey, it's such a beautiful day outside, you should be making the most of it. Why don't you go and play with the kid next door and get to know the neighbourhood?" He said with forced enthusiasm.

"I told you not to say 'play', dad, it's 'hang out'. And I  will, I just wanted to get this set up first." My little brother replied.

I chuckled at his seriousness and went to make myself a bowl of cereal.

"Good morning honey, did you sleep well?" My mom asked, making me jump because I was still in half-asleep mode and hadn't noticed her across from me.

"Oh hey Mom, yeah I actually did."

"Good. Oh and Ivy, please don't take that cereal to your room, I think it's a good time to let go of that habit now that we're in a new house."

"Mhm." I smiled weakly and nodded. She left the kitchen and I headed back up to my room with my cereal." I spent the rest of the day putting up the rest of my posters on my walls, listening to music, and managed to get some time to play my electric guitar too.

The next day was pretty much the same. I was playing guitar when my mother interrupted me, "Ivy, could you please go and get your brother and tell him to come home for dinner, he's at the neighbour's house."

I rolled my eyes. "Sure."

I knocked on the door and it was opened by a middle aged man who I presumed was Frank, and I presumed the toddler in his arms was Manny.

"Hey, I'm Ivy from next door, I'm here to get my brother?"

"I'll go get him right now, I'm Frank by the way, nice to meet you." He replied with a warm expression and then went into the house. I couldn't help but overhear loud rock music which seemed to be coming from their garage, but before I had time to investigate my brother came out the door.

"Bye Greg!" He called.

"See you tomorrow!" Replied Greg, who was short for his age, just like Mikey. We walked back to our house which was directly in front of the Heffleys'.

"Was that you two listening to that music?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Nah, it's his brother's band practicing."

"Oh right." I was a little surprised.

"We weren't allowed in the garage though. Greg said Rodrick would kill us if we interrupted."

I lightly furrowed my brows and nose-exhaled. A band?...

I switched off my light and got into my bed. Tomorrow morning would be my first day of a new school. I planned on sticking to myself and just getting this year over with, I wasn't really a people person.


Okay so next chapter stuff actually starts :) sorry it took so long but I wanted there to be a good introduction before jumping into any intense storyline
ty for reading xo

Rock My World (A Rodrick Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang