Chapter 14

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It took hours for the rest of Sonic's friends to arrive at the hospital, when they did, it took a while for the nurses to let them go to Sonic's room. Sonia and Manic were the first to go see him. Shadow was already in the room, sitting in a chair not far off, avoiding looking at the blue hedgehog. "Is he gonna be okay?" Manic questioned, when he saw his brother.

"He's severely dehydrated, half starved and sleep deprived." Shadow mumbled. "The IVs are to try and rehydrate him, and the doctor said they were going to monitor his blood pressure and heart rate, as well as keep an eye out for any abnormal kidney function." He looked at Sonia and Manic. "They need to treat his dehydration first, they can't treat the starvation until he wakes up, and he's sleeping, so his sleep deprivation is treating itself at this point.... And they put a brace on his ankle."

Sonia took a breath as Amy, Tails, Knuckles and Sticks walked into the room. "He'll be okay then?"

"Unless his kidneys decide to act weird, he should be fine." He looked over at the still uncousnious hero. "But staying awake for that long, it can effect mental health." 

"Where did you all come from?" A doctor asked as he walked into the room. "Friends and Family I assume?" Sonia nodded. "I see, I'm  Doctor James Hamilton, and he should be fine, but I'd like to know what caused him so be in such a condition?" The doctor asked, he was a pig.

"He disappeared for a few days, we found him like this when we were looking for him." Sonia explained. Not a complete lie, but enough to keep word of what was turning out to be a new Doctor Robotnik out of the people's minds, no one wanted chaos.

"He'll wake up within a few hours, and the usual dehydration time in hospitals is three or four days, once he wakes up, ask a nurse to come find me, we'll need to get him to eat as soon as he wakes." Sonic grumbled quietly as he woke up. "Never mind it seems that he's awake."

"Why is there a tube.... In my nose?" The blue hedgehog asked quietly as he wiggled his nose. "That feels weird."His voice was hoarse, and his eyes were tired.

"I'll got get a nurse to bring him some food." With that Hamilton left.

He looked around and his eyes started to fill with tears. "I'm not..." He smiled. "I'm not dead." He blinked and tears dripped onto the hospital bed. "I.... Are we on the main land?"

"Yeah, Mobotropolis." Sonia spoke, "It was the nearest hospital."

"We found a note from Mom, turns out she headed home before you got kidnapped the first time, to get back up." Manic grinned, "So she's okay."

"Good." Sonic breathed. "Everyone's okay..."

"Oh my gosh!" Tails exclaimed. "We left Sleet in the bathroom."

Sonic laughed gently, "That's what he gets for being a jerk." A nurse suddenly walked in with a small tray of food, just some water, mashed potatoes, and a few chicken nuggets, and placed it on a small table that came up from the side of the bed. "Oh, uh thanks."

"Hold still, I need to take the tube out."


"The tube in your nose."

"Oh yeah, forgot 'bout that." The nurse gently took the tube out of Sonic's nose, and left the room. Sonic started eating, within a few minutes he was done, and when he finished his friends and siblings hugged him, even Shadow was dragged into the hug.

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