𝔸𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕙 𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕠𝕗 𝕃𝕒𝕨

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Harrison is standing outside of Ainsworth University of Law as he looks at the flood of students coming in and out of the big university. He doesn't pay attention to any of them, though. He's only looking for one girl; the girl of his dreams.

He's not even sure if she's going to go out the same exit as where he's standing at. But he figures, if it's meant to be, fate will find a way for them to meet.

And fate is in favor of Harrison.

Because the next person who exits the university, is Y/N and her friends. She's carrying 3 heavy law books as she separates from her friends. Harrison spots her and smiles to himself. She hasn't seen Harrison yet, though. Which is good, because Harrison wants it to be a surprise.

He approaches her when she's alone and she's taken by surprise when she looks up from her books. "H-Harrison! What're you doing here?" she smiles nervously.

"I just thought I'd pick you up." Harrison shrugs with a grin on his face. Y/N nods and says, "Thank you, but I really need to go home and study."

"I'll take you home." Harrison insists. Harrison doesn't give up easily.

Y/N doesn't give in easily, but something's telling her that she should give Harrison a shot. For once in her life, she gives in. Not fully, but she gives in just once.

"Okay fine." Y/N smiles at him. Harrison blushes and carries her books for her as he leads her to where his car is parked. They get in the car and Harrison starts to drive whilst Y/N tells him the way to her flat. "It's near Tom's flat that's why I'm always there whenever he needs company and whenever you're away. He's also always at my place." Y/N tells him.

A bit of jealousy sparks in Harrison even though he understands that she's childhood best friends with Tom.

A few minutes later, they arrive at Y/N's flat. "You can come in if you want. I live alone anyway." Y/N chuckles as she gets ready to get out of the car.

"Okay!" Harrison says cheerfully. Too cheerful. Harrison grabs the books from Y/N's lap before they get out of his car. He locks it and Y/N leads the way to her flat.

When they enter her flat, Harrison takes off his shoes and looks around, "Nice place you got here."

Harrison sets the books down on the coffee table and he sits on the couch, making himself at home. Y/N comes to the living room with two cups of tea she sets one of them down in front of Harrison and she sets the other down in front of her. She sits next to him and says, "I didn't know what you like to drink and I didn't know what to serve, so I just made you some tea."

"Thank you!" Harrison smiles as he takes a sip of tea. They sit in comfortable silence as if they've known each other for a long time. Y/N grabs one of the books from the table and starts studying. Harrison watches Y/N silently with a soft smile on his face. He admires the girl who looked effortlessly beautiful even with her hair in a messy bun and her glasses slipping on her nose, which she occasionally pushes up.

Y/N feels Harrison watching her so she turns to him and says, "What?" She isn't annoyed, just curious as to why he's looking at her.

"Nothing. You're just really beautiful." Harrison compliments. A light pink blush appears on Y/N's cheeks. She thanks him and returns to reading. She's becoming a bit frustrated and Harrison notices it.

He takes one of the books from the coffee table. He opens it and looks at Y/N before looking down at the book again, which he opened at a random page. He clears his throat and asks, "What's a barrister?"

Y/N looks at him with a confused glance, "What?"

Harrison looks at her and says, "You're clearly having a hard time and I'm helping you review for your finals. So, what's a barrister?"

"That's really sweet of you, Harri–"

"Call me Haz. Thank me later. Now answer my question." Harrison chuckles. "What is a ba–"

"It's a lawyer regulated by the Bar Standards Board and they often specialize in court room representation, drafting pleadings and expert legal opinions." Y/N answers, cleverly.

Harrison checks if she's right and she is. He sends her a smile and says, "Well done! If you answer all my questions, I'll cook us dinner."

"And what if I don't?" Y/N curiously asks.

"You'll cook dinner." Harrison chuckles. "I'm kidding. I'll still cook. I don't want you stressed and tired."

Y/N smiles at him and thinks, 'He's so sweet, but I won't give in just yet.'

"That's nice of you, Haz." Y/N smiles back.

"Anytime." Harrison stares deep into Y/N's Y/E/C eyes and smiles, "What are grounds?"

Y/N thinks for awhile as Harrison waits for her to answer. He patiently waits for a minute until Y/N answers, "The basis or foundation of an action."

"Correct again, Y/N." Harrison smiles.

"Call me Y/N/N." Y/N smiles.

It may not be a lot but that meant so much to Harrison. For her to be telling him her nickname is a blessing and a miracle.

"Mate, you and Y/N would look so cute together!" Tom whines. "If you do go for her, though, she's really hard to get."

"Then why bother setting me up with her?" Harrison asks in annoyance. Silently begging his best friend to stop pestering him about asking out this girl named Y/N.

"Because you're the type who won't give up so fast. That's the PERFECT match for Y/N. Trust me, because of this 'hard to get' attitude of hers, she's never dated anyone. I'm surprised that I'm the only guy in her life besides her male relatives of course, but you get the point." Tom explains.

Harrison crosses his arms and Tom sighs. He hands Harrison his phone with Y/N's latest selfie on Instagram. "That's her." Tom says.

Harrison carefully eyes Y/N's selfie and instantly becomes interested. He's never even met her, but judging from all the stories Tom has told him, he knows that Y/N is a great girl and a smart one.

"Pretty, isn't she? Every guy she's ever crossed paths with end up liking her, but she'd reject them. Either they're just in it for sex or they're not her type." Tom tells him. "You're lucky enough if she gives you her nickname." Tom scoffs.

Y/N ends up getting everything right and Harrison ends up cooking them dinner; a task that he wants to do for Y/N for the rest of his life. Meanwhile, Y/N thinks that maybe Tom is right for once. Maybe she'll listen to Tom just this once, because this guy came into her life and she suddenly wants herself to give just this once.

* * * * 

Tumblr: in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh

Reference: https://www.lawsociety.org.uk/for-the-public/legal-glossary/

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