Putting on the pastel blue blazer to look a bit more professional and black boots, I looked in the mirror, checking to make sure I looked appropriate. Sliding the FBI credentials into my back pocket, and clipping the gun holster onto the side of my jeans, I took a deep breath.

It was almost an involuntary response as I picked up my to-go bag. I may not be traveling but it is always a good idea to have extra clothes just in case something goes wrong. Grabbing my phone off the nightstand, I smiled at the sight of text messages from the team, all with encouraging words and advice. I didn't have the experience of starting a job where I didn't know anyone. When I was brought into the BAU, I already was familiar with the team due to my brother already working with them.

Trying to shake away the nerves and anxiety building up, I left the apartment with bag, keys and phone in hand. Unlocking the suv and throwing in the duffel bag, I smiled softly at the sight of my bullet proof vest and jacket labeled with FBI. Closing the trunk and hopping into the drivers seat, I plugged in the precinct address in to the GPS seeing as I have no clue where it was. Driving away from the apartment and towards the 21st, I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel, a habit I picked up when I grew nervous.

Pulling into one of the parking spots outside, I glanced outside of the car window straight to the precinct doors. Closing my eyes briefly, I imagined my brother saying some weird statistic about anxiety and nervousness, the simple idea of my brother calming me. Opening the car door and exiting the suv, I could tell I attracted the attention of some of the Chicago Officers. Making sure I had everything I needed, I made my way up the steps to my new job.

As I walked into the lobby, the hustle and bustle of the police officers brought a sense of normalcy to me. I would be sent a curious glance every now and then, but they just continued onto their daily jobs. Spotting a lady behind a desk, I quickly figured out she was the head lady in the precinct. Her posture was tall with confidence, her voice holding one of authority as she gave officers their orders for the day. Approaching her with my own sense of confidence, I tried to show I was respectful of her position. I may be a federal agent but I deeply admired those who hold high authority. It isn't easy watching over hundreds of officers.

Noticing my figure, her head lifted from the paper she was looking over, a small sense of curiosity filling her eyes. "How can I help you"

Sending her a smile, I lifted my hand so she can shake it. "I'm Keenan Reid.." before I could go into further details on why I was there, her hand instantly met mine, an impressed emotion wiped across her face as she shook my hand strongly.

"The Federal Agent. I'm Sergeant Trudy Platt, welcome to the 21st. I was quite surprised to hear a fed was joining us.". Laughing softly, I nodded my head.

"Can you take me to see a Sergeant Hank Voight? I don't know where he is exactly". Watching the woman walk around her desk, I could clearly see the powerful aura she presented. Her strides were confident as she led me to a metal door with a hand scanner. My own look of wonderment filling my eyes as I scanned the area.

Following the older sergeant up the stairs, the two of us chatted, the woman giving me some tips on how things work. As I stepped foot into the bullpen, I was quite shocked by all the eyes already staring. Sending her an appreciatory look, she made her way down the stairs and back to her place behind the desk. Trying not to show my nerves, I threw a small smile on my face.

Before I could speak, a door across the room opened presenting a man who illuminated power. As much as I tried not to profile the man as he walk towards me, I did pick up that he wasn't someone I should cross. Meeting his hand in a handshake, he gave a smirk before turning towards his detectives. "This is Agent Keenan Reid from the FBI"

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