Chapter 21 ♛ Stanley Hotel pt. 2

Start from the beginning

I rested my left leg slightly above the hem of his boxers, causing his breath to hitch while his heart rate picked up. But, he still avoided my eyes and continued to be lost in his phone.

I gently lifted my head up, noticing that Corey and Jake were already fast asleep while Sam was chilling on a chair with his back towards us. So, this was the perfect time for us to talk, but I just needed to get his attention somehow without disturbing the others.

"Colby." I whispered his name, but he completely ignored me.

I tilted my head up slightly and let my lips brush against the side of his neck. I felt his body twitch underneath me, causing a small smirk to appear on my face. I gently started to suck on his favorite spot, causing him to slightly arch his back from the pleasure he was feeling. I knew that any second now he would break, because of my sweet touches.

"Atmosphere." He quietly moaned, making my lips leave his neck.

"Can we talk now?" I asked in a begging tone, causing his ocean eyes to flutter down to me.

"Yeah." He whispered.

"The reason I left the hotel crying earlier is because I saw my dead father." I whispered.

"Did he say something to you?! Did he try hurting you?!" His voice was filled with concern as he pulled me closer to him.

"He did say something." I whispered, looking down at my hands, "He's mad at me for not reading the letter he gave his lawyer to give to me after his passing."

"Wait, why is he visiting you now?" He questioned, slightly confused just like I was.

"I don't know." I breathed, "But I'm hoping it's just a one time thing."

"Did he say anything else?"

"Nope." I lied, only because I needed to protect him and the others, "Um, just promise me that this stays between you and I." I begged as I held up my pinky.

A deep sigh left his lips, "I promise." He whispered, interlocking our pinkies.

He leaned forward and gently kissed my soft lips, then proceeded to get aggressive with the kiss. His ring hand wandered down the side of my body before resting it on my ass. He smacked it as hard as he could, not caring that the others were in the room.

"Colby." I whimpered against his lips as he chuckled.

"I'm still up, guys!" Sam groaned, annoyed at his best friend's inappropriate actions.

"Sorry, brother." Colby chuckled, "Come here and nap with us." He added, waving him over.

Sam eyed him, "I highly doubt you guys were napping." He murmured, "Plus, how are you going to act like that with Jake sleeping right next to you both?" He questioned us, harshly.

"We wouldn't have gone any further than that." Colby reassured him.

"Really?" He questioned as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, Sam's right." I said as I sat up, "We shouldn't be acting like this, especially in a room filled with our friends."

"You guys are no fun." Colby mumbled as he sat up as well.

"You guys are honestly like rabbits." Sam added.

"What do you mean?" I eyed him.

"You guys literally fuck anywhere at anytime." He explained, "I'm shocked that you guys aren't even pregnant yet." He added, causing my heart to drop for some reason.

Pregnant? I can't be pregnant, right? I mean, I know Colby and I aren't being careful when it comes to us being intimate, and I don't even know why we aren't. We are just young, stupid kids who don't care about any type of consequences. But since I've been very nauseous and tired lately, plus my period.... oh my gosh, my period?! It's okay. Maybe it's normal for it to not be consistent, right?

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