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(time skip 3 months later)

(Your POV)

It's been four months since I've been kidnapped, Uncle Lex and mom helped me train. Their not all that bad, today is the day I take out my old team

"(Y/n) get ready for your mission" mom said

"Okay" you said, you didn't want to do it, but if I refuse I'll get strapped to a table and they'll give a lot of shots

"(Y/n) you know what your mission is take out the team" Time Lex said

"Yes yes I know" you said a bit annoyed

"Well I hope you succeed" mom said giving me a smile

"I hope so too" I said in a sad voice, because I didn't want to do it

"Well goodbye" Lex said

"Wait don't forget the collar" mom said. She placed the electrical collar around my neck and then your eyes glowed bright red. Then you headed on your mission

(Conner POV)

The team and I were sitting in the lounge, we were discussing all the good traits (y/n) had

"She was so kind" Alana said

"She was loving" nightwing said

"She was so-" I got cut off by the intercom

"Team report to the mission room immediately" Batman said

We all looked at each other and headed over to the mission room

"We got a report that someone is being attacked at this location" Batman said showing the team the location

"Okay, let's go" nightwing said, we headed to the zeta tube and headed to the location

(Your POV)

You didn't know how to get the teams attention so you started to attack a citizen

"This should get their attention" you said. It's been a few minutes and the female citizen was now on the ground trying to crawl away from you

"That's enough" a voice said you turned around and saw the team, but they didn't know it was you because you had a mask on

"Well well well look who's finally here" you said

"You sound familiar, who are you ?" Beast boy asked, you didn't answer you just grinned like a maniac

"Let's get to work shall we" you said while throwing a ball of fire at aqua lad he used his powers to get rid of it

"Who are you?" Alana asked

"Stop talking more fighting" you said now the collar was in complete control over your body

"Let's take her out" batgirl said

"I agree" Aqua lad said, you shadow teleported into Alana's shadow and kicked her from behind she fell to the ground

"I thought you would have gotten  better" I said in a disappointed voice

"What are you doing" blue beetle shouted, then he started shooting big stapler things towards you (sorry I don't know the name😅😅)

"Nice try" you said dodging all of them, nightwing charged towards you with he's escrima sticks you flew into the air and then you used your telekinesis power to raise some huge rocks and you sent them flying towards them. The rocks hit the team except nightwing. You landed then you charged towards him, you were now on top of him you pinned his hands to the ground and sat on his stomach

"What's wrong birdy you can't fight back?" You asked smirking

"Who are you?" He asked struggling to get out of your grip

"You honestly don't remember me?" You asked

"N-no" he said trying to analyze your face, you lifted one of your hands and made a fire ball ready you send it flying towards his face, but then someone kicked you off of him

"Thanks batgirl" nightwing said

You went flying across the ground

"That's the first hit I've gotten so far"
you said in an disappointed tone while getting up, then you looked at the team and they had scratches and blood soaking their suit from the hit you gave them with the rocks

"Who the hell are you!?" Robin shouted

"You'll have to beat me to find out" you said with a smirk plastered onto your face

"Fine then, team catch her" nightwing said. The team ran towards you you flew in the air and wonder girl followed you, she tried to catch you with her lasso but you dodged it you flew down and the team tried to catch you but you dodged Every attack.

"C'mon is that all you guys can do" you said then your collar began to beep, that meant the battery is almost dead. Alana tried to hit you with one of her ice balls, you dodged and you lost your balance so you almost fell

"Kid flash" nightwing said, kid flash catch you before you could do anything and held you from behind, then the collar began to beep uncontrollably. The team walked up to you then nightwing placed his hands on the mask and pulled it off your face

"(Y/n)!!" The team screamed, the collar started to beep again but slowly then it fell off of your neck then your eyes went back to its normal colour

"I-im sorry" you said, then everything went black


Guys I am so sorry for not updating.....I know it's been a few weeks since I've last updated, I had a writers block😭😭😭
But I'll continue updating....thanks so much for reading and don't forget to tell your friends to read my story😁
Thanks once again for reading
And don't forget that I will be updating more chapters today


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