I know you are here

Start from the beginning

Ironwood: "It seemed to have gained self-awareness. When we tried to gain control over the central computer, this happened."

The screen switched from AEGIS's blueprints to a message on a computer that shows a video. The video played out, first showing Kingdom of Atlas's logo, but it then glitched with a skull over it. The screen in the video blacked out and then something happened.

Ironwood: "AEGIS upgraded its Anti-Hacking programs to the point were the only way you can get into the system is if AEGIS lets you. That is not even the worst part, I fear that it has gone to greater lengths."

Ozpin: "Before you continue, may I ask what you are planning to do?"

Ironwood: "Well, the only thing we can do is to get somebody in there and negotiate. Hacking is far too difficult to do and mounting a full-on assault could cost hundreds, if not thousands of lives."

Ozpin: "Alright then. How about some of the beacon teams then?"

Ironwood: "They would have to be having masks that is only connected to an oxygen tank that could last a day."

Ozpin: "Why a whole day?"

Winter: "With AEGIS's intelligence, it may have built of defenses incase we plan to do anything."

Ozpin: "I understand. I'll call the teams."

Scene switch

Location: Beacon Academy Cafeteria

In the Cafeteria, there are 3 teams to focus on.

Team RWBY, who are Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang.

Team JNPR, who are Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha

And finally, Team CFVY, who are Coco, Fox, Velvet and Yatsuhashi.

They where all sitting at the same table, mostly talking about personal stuff, about beacon or Nora explaining how great pancakes are. They all talked and talked and trying hard to ignore CDRL's arguments to be against Faunus. They had a peaceful time, but then...

Speaker: "May Team, RWBY, JNPR AND CFVY come to Ozpin's office."

This confused all 3 teams, what could be so important that they all need at be at Ozpin's office?

Weiss: "Well, that is weird."

Yang: "Yeah it is, why all of us?"

Jaune: "Did we do something we did not know about?"

Coco: "Quite strange."

While they were all confused, they decided to go to the office. Some of them thought that someone from each team did something wrong, which is where Nora and Yang where the center of attention at that moment. Then they thought of a mission that would be dangerous for just one or two teams.

Once they reached the office, they were all surprised to see General Ironwood, with Weiss being more surprised to see Winter with him. They were all even more confused on the matter, until Ozpin spoke up.

Ozpin: "Now I know that you are all confused on what is happening here. You will all be joining me with Ironwood and his specialist on a very important mission. Ironwood, you may explain the details."

Ironwood steps forward and sets up the screen in a position where everyone could see it.

Ironwood: "Several days ago, we got reports that one of our most secret, expensive and important projects ever created had broken out of our control and gone rogue."

Project AEGIS (AI reader x RWBY) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now