Chapter 3

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Ok this time the story is going to go somewhere :))) also imma try third person too see if it works better!

"AHHHHH HELP ME!" Yashiro screams in terror as a dark shadow jumps at her.
Suddenly hanako jumps in front of the two and pulls out his knife.

"Sorry pall, she belongs too me"  Hanako smirks as he pulls his knife out as a warning.
Yashiros face turns beet red. She ducks out of the way, covering her head with her hands.The way he said "belongs too me" sounded right coming from him. Her heart skipped a beat.
After that talk with kou... I feel different, about hanako. I want to hold his hand, I want to give him a hug. I want to spend more time with him. I like him...

Hanako turns around with a smile. "All righty! Job done" he turns around to face Yashiro. his smile drops as he sees Yashiros face, scared and red. "Hey are you ok!" He asks. Yashiros face turns more red as he kneels down to her level. "I-Um ya! I'm fine. I just got really scared all of a sudden that's all! She replied nervously

Shes lying. Something else is wrong. Did I make her uncomfortable? Hanako thought.
Making her tell the truth won't make anything any better.

Hanako sighed as he got up and grabbed her hand to pull her back up from the floor. He took his hat off and handed too her. A pink blush dusted his cheek. Her faces turned even more red. "Here" he handed the hat to her. She stood there frozen. "It might make you feel more save" he blushed. "It might make you feel like I'm there with you." He moved his eyes at the ground, embarrassed.

She grabs the hat. Still frozen. They both stand there. Looking at the ground. Yashiro looks up and fixing her eyes on her hand. With hanako is still holding. He notices her staring and realized that he is still holding her hand. He quickly pulls away, face flushed with red.

"I-it's ok." Yashiro smiles. Pulling the hat closer to her chest. Both there faces bright red.
"Oh-ok g-good I'm sorry I didn't want to make you uncomfortable-"

"I kinda liked it"Yashiro looked back at the ground. Hugging the hat even closer to her. Hanakos heart exploded right there. He couldn't move. He stares at her in complete shock. He didn't think his face could heat up more.

Yashiro looks back up to so a completely flustered/broken hanako. He looked like he was going to fall over. Yashiro finally realized what she said. "D-did u really mean-" hanako starts. "UUUHHHHH ITS NOT WHAT U THINK, BYE!" She screams running off in embarrassment. She couldn't believe she said that out loud to his face like that. She looked outside to see the sunset. The bell must have ringed during that fight. He made it out the school and proceeded to walk home...

Hanako leaned against the wall, still in complete shock. Did she really mean that?
Just thinking about it made his face hot.
He slid against the wall until he was sitting on the ground, his hand squeezing his chest.

I never had this feeling before. I knew it. I like her. Yahsiro nene... he closed his eyes as the sun set. Leaving him in the darkness, alone once again.

Yashiro couldn't sleep that night. Maybe because there was lots of light coming from outside. Or maybe because of what happened with hanako about 4 hours ago. He grabbed his hat and brought it closer to her chest.

It even smells like him. she thought. Her face dusted with a pink blush. "That stupid ghost. Out of everyone I fall for in the school it turns out to be him" she whispered.
He isn't even my type

He was right though, about the hat. It made her calmer. It made her peaceful. She hugged the hat one last time as she falls alseep...

What do u guys thing:). Should I continue the third person thing? Also just letting y'all know. Things may seem cute and perfect at the moment. But that's going to change very soon...
Wc: 717

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