Shoot out

529 11 1

When mattia left you Hurd shoots. You looked at the time and realized you had 20 mins to get your sisters

Y/n-"I ain't got time for this shit"
*you say grabbing a Machine gun, you walked out and went upstairs and saw kai fighting a guy and he shoot at Kai but he missed kai looked at you*

*you shoot the guy in the back of his head, then helped kai up*
Kai-"you was suppose to stay in the room"
Y/n-"I have to get my sisters, now where is mattia and Alex"
Kai-"this way"
*you followed him up some stairs, somebody shot kai in his leg, you shot the guy in his leg then kicked the gun out this hand then shot his shoulders*

Y/n-"how u like it bitch"
*then you shot him in his head, you helped kai up and sat in up agents a wall*

Y/n-"you ok"
Kai-"ya I'll be fine"
??-"where is it"
* you left kai and walked to a room and say the door open, you sat there and looked to see how many people was in there, the guy turned and saw you, so you had to shoot him in the head, then untied the boys*

Y/n-"Kai got shot in the leg but he will be fine, now get up I have to get my sisters"
Ale-"why are you out the room you could have got killed"
Mattia-"why are you not scared"
Y/n-"you guys should have stayed in the room, y'all the ones who almost got killed and this ain't my first shoot out now give me the keys I have to get my sisters"
Mattia-"you killed people before"
Y/n-" no this my first time, NOW I HAVE TO GET MY SISTERS"
Ale-"Ight here's the keys"
Y/n-"thanks I'll be back later and take that bullet out kai and clean up oh and I need a hoodie, I can't get my sister with blood all over me"
*you looked at the time and you hade 15mins to get them and it's a 3min drive*

Y/n-"I'll help you guys clean for 5 mins then I got to get them"
Ale-"Ight cool"
*you got kai up and helped him down the stairs, then put him on the floor of the bathroom to take the bullet out then stitch him up*
Y/n-"no problem"
*you took your hoodie off and then made the guys take there's off to be washed*
Y/n-" stop starting and tell me where the washer is"
Ale-"oh it's down stairs"
Y/n-"ok and where are the clothes you guys need to change"
Mattia-"there is a big closet right next to the washing room"
*you ran there then took off your pants and shoes and put on somebody's sweat pants and hoodie, then throw the bloody clothes in the wash, you  brought up the guys some clothes and handed them it*

Y/n-"thank god nobody was wearing white"
Ale-"your wearing my pants"
Mattia-"and my hoodie"
Y/n-"do you want me to take it off"
Ale-"they look good on you"
Y/n-"good cuz I was not gonna take them off now get dressed and give me y'all pants"
*they got undressed and you ran down stairs and put the clothes in this wash and started it then ran back up stairs*

Y/n-"ok I have to go get them but when I get back kai better be in bed resting and you guy have to get ride of the body's and mop, under stand"
Mattia-"ya ok"
Ale-"Ight we got it"
*you ran to the door and put someone's slides on, and ran out the door, you had just made it to the bus stop, a second later and you would have missed it, the girls got in the car*
Y/n-"hi guys how was school"
Them-"who's car is this"
Y/n-"oh um it's my friends now how was school"
Mini-"good as usual"
Jovi-"it was ok"
Y/n-"well at least you went"
*you drove to the buys house*
Y/n-"guys don't get out"
Y/n-"watch your mouths"
*you say calling ale*


Ale- hello.                Yeah you guys done
Ale-"almost".           "The guess gone at least?"
Ale-"ya".            "Ok well txt when your done"
Ale-" and ka-".      Mini-"who is hottie"
Ale-"what she say".        "Nothing- Mini-"I said.    who is hottie the guy your on the phone with who is-"
*you hung up before she could finish her sentence*
Y/n-"y'all want ice cream"
*you drove to the Ice cream polar, jovi got chocolate and mini got strawberry, mini started making Tiktoks and jovi played games on her phone, then you got a text from ale letting know know they was done*

Y/n-"ok guys come on you can finish your ice cream in the car"
*you guys got in the car and drove alto the boys house, you guys got out the car and walked in*
Ale-"hi guys"
Mini-"ohhhh this is hottie"
Y/n-"I don't know what she is talking about, Where is mattia and Kai"
Ale-"ok and there up stairs in kais room playing the game and we have to talk after this"
Y/n-"ya we do but let's go and see them"

*you guys followed ale to the room and you saw the guys*
Mattia and Kai-"hey guys"
Jovi and mini-"hi"
Mini-"I'm mini and this is jovi"
*she says pointing at jovi, then she waved"
Mattia-" I'm mattia and this is kai"
Mini-"what happened to kai"
Y/n-"he um"
Ale-"he was trying to jump from the trampoline in to the pool but he didn't make it and messed up his leg"
Mini-"you have a pool land trampoline damn your folks rich"
Mattia-"you guys want to go play on the trampoline"
Mattia-"ok come on"
Jovi-"I'm gonna stay up here with y/n"
Ale-"ok I'll be back I have to go feed my dog"
Jovi-"you have a dog"
Y/n-"I didn't know you had a dog"
Ale-"yeah he's in my room"
Jovi-"can I play with him"
Ale-" of course"
*Ale got his dog and brought him and jovi outside with mini and mattia, mattia was playing around on the trampoline with mini*
Ale-"mattia Watch them for me real quick I have to talk to y/n"
Mini-"I think she likes you "hottie" do you like her"
Ale-"no she don't"

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