Bad Memories

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     After their encounter Bruce went back to the cave and thought about R. He had wanted to help her, but she had been right about him also wanting a sample of her blood. As he sat there at the bat computer he clenched his fists. It had been days since R had been there at the bank. News spread quickly about there being a new vigilante in town. No one had been able to get even a peek at her. Not even the villains R took down. 

     On the screen of the bat computer was a photograph of (Y/N). Bruce looked at it with a pained expression. He missed her badly. Why did he have to not believe her? Why couldn't he have listened to her and told her how he felt? His eyes wandered from the picture to the charred cover of the notebook that sat a few inches away from him. (Y/N)'s journal that he had found the day he met R. After a lot of thought he picked it up. Her handwriting was unmistakable and a lingering scent of her still clung to the pages despite the smell of fire. 

     Journal Entry #1

     I just saved up money to buy this little wonder. The cover is beautiful and the pages smell so nice... I've never had a journal before. My life has been pretty boring... Not anymore. A new man came to town. His name is Bones. We've been in each other's company a lot lately and... today he asked me to be his girlfriend. This is so girly to write about, but I just wanted to remember this moment. I want to remember a lot of moments. Since I met Bones my memory has been slipping a little. With this I should be able to remember things. 

     Journal Entry #34

     I've dated Bones for two years now... It has been a while since I wrote in here. Bones doesn't like it when I'm carrying it. He says it's childish to have a journal and since I'm always with him I have no time to write in this. My memory is worse... I woke with cuts and bruises the other day and I have no idea why. Bones says it is nothing yet his knuckles are red. I know he is a bad person. I know he has a dark secret... I just don't know what to do...

     Journal Entry #35

     I knew it! Bones is a mob boss. I knew something wasn't right! I saw things and he made me forget them. I remembered everything thanks to Mrs. Leveya and her memory herbal mixture. A trip into my mind gave me all the evidence I needed. Just a few hours ago I threatened Bones with exposing him and he left the town. I can not believe I fell for him... I have such bad taste. 

Journal Entry #57

     Now that it has been a few years since Bones was here... I've had so much time to reflect. I was his trophy. It pains me to realize this. What pains me more is that the people here... my people... they are still affected by what he did. They are all bitter and hate one another now. There is no peace. There is crime. I try to be happy for the orphans and teach them of peace, and they love me for it, but it is not enough. They will soon all be a part of this war the two types of witches in this town are in. My talks of peace are not an option. If I had not been so blind Bones would not have torn my town apart. 

Journal Entry #58

     I have been out for days. My training with poisons went wrong. I am not used to doing this without my teacher. He... He died a week ago. My emotions caused me to be distracted and I ended up overdosing myself on poisons. I am lucky to not be dead. I must be happy. I must be upbeat for the town. They need light in their lives. Anyways, a new man came to town. He is from Gotham City. He comes to train with the natives to this unknown town with herbs and toxins. He is rich... The guy took over the old manor house. His name is Bruce. His trainer is an idiot, but I think I may be able to fix that.

Journal Entry #59

     Shit! I got caught by Bruce! Bones is back! Oh everything is going wrong!!! I snuck over Bruce's wall to deliver the little sack of notes from my old trainer, and I did, but being panicked and distracted by Bones's arrival caused me to be caught. Luckily I used my fear to my advantage and he believed me when I told him I was just scared. 

Journal Entry #60

     Bruce... Damn it I like him... No it is more than that. I love him. He may be an ass to me and I think he hates me... but I... I can't fight the feeling that there is something off about him. Something that is why he is nice to me one second and hates me the next. Why do I have to have feelings for this dick?

Journal Entry #61

     Bruce... This is to you. We ran from the cops today and oh man you yelled at me. I.. I know you don't believe me. But Bones is a horrible man. He is destroying this town again. I can't stop him. I wanted you to know I'm sorry for dragging you into my problems. You... you made me feel truly happy. You made me feel safe from my mind and from Bones. I know you hate me and that these entries sound insane, so just let me explain why I love you. I am an orphan. My family was killed in front of me. The towns people took care of me together. I lived on the streets, but the whole town was my home and my family. My pain stayed within to make the others smile. I wanted to make people smile. Then Bones came along and he twisted my thoughts. Made me loose memories. He kept me as a trophy. I was what gained him access into the town and no one was able to see he was a bad man because I was happy. He caused the town witch groups to fight against each other. Caused the war and the crime. I blackmailed him into leaving. The town wasn't the same. I hid my pain still and fought for peace in this town once more. Making people smile. You came along and you didn't smile. I saw you were in pain. I saw you had luggage like me. You had an idiot for a tutor. So I brought you those notes from my old tutor... I loved him like family. He was a good man. Like a father to me. Then Bones came back. He was trying to tear this town apart. He wanted to get to me too... You made me feel safe. You made me feel happy for the first time in my life. Despite all of our fights and your grumpy nature I felt happy to be around you. I could tell I distracted you too. So I fell for you. I'm sorry. 

Journal Entry #62

     He has come for me. He and his goons poisoned me. I don't know what this high of a dose will do to me. I am almost sure I will die. I want to go take a walk. See this beautiful town one last time. I love you Bruce. Take the knowledge you came here for and do great things. I may go see you before this kicks in. You know... I'm terrified. 

     You really do hate me... I'm sorry. I wish I knew why. Yet now I don't have the time. After all the things... you know what, I did nothing to you! I helped you if you asked! I saved you that one time! I shared everything with you if you asked! Never did I do a damn thing to hurt you. Yet suddenly you snapped at me or acted rude! 

     My mind is slipping. Everything is slipping. I'm cold. It hurts. Oh no... One of Bones's men sees me. He has a syringe

     That was it. All that (Y/N) had written in her journal. Bruce wiped tears away from his eyes. Despite there being strange inaccuracies in the entries he couldn't stop thinking... She died thinking he had hated her. Despite all the times she made him smile involuntarily or laugh. When she first met him they were happy. He loved being around her. Yet then suddenly he became cold and snippy. Just around the time she needed him the most. That was because he was becoming batman. He found out he loved her and he wanted to distance himself from her. This entire time he hoped she knew he loved her or at least cared...

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