Chapter 4: Undercover

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 Please present your entry card." The guard says. April hands over her id and Jackson's entry card she found in the pocket of the uniform. " You may pass Mrs. Hain."

April walks through the door and turns to the hallway where she hears the most people, She slowly walks into room one to get a map of the layout.

" Now...Where can I find the operators room....It's gotta be here somewhere....."

" Up the hall to the left. Can't miss it." Says someone, making April jump a foot high in surprise.


" Calm down, Mrs.Hain. It's just your brother in law."

" God damn...Spencer...WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT!?! So what do you know so far?"

" Too much haha. But we need to act fast for once... lol!" Spencer laughs and acts as though April is new and he shows her around.

" Thanks. By the way...Has Jackson been acting weird?"

" The weirdest thing involving Jackson is his pregnant fiance walking around in his uniform in the most dangerous place she could be right now."

" Thanks for the sarcasm. But seriously. Has Jackson been acting weird?"

" Well, I haven't seen him in a while...But I can tell you this. He is a full blown member of the Black Tide. He's not faking anything..."

" Trust me..i know..He walked out on me today, and i decided that it's time to up my 'body count' of the Black Tide members. Wanna help?"

" You found his uniform didn't you?"

" Yup....But don't change the subject. Wanna help?"

" Sure. Then maybe my brother will realize that you're the best thing that will ever happen to him..."

" I was actually thinking..I don't really trust him anymore..and we kinda threw all his shit out the window into the ocean...."

" So you don't want him?"

" Do I look like I want to?" April says, tearing up a picture of him she always kept in her wallet.

" So then..Who do you wanna be with?" Spencer looks into April's eyes, and quickly turns away as they get ready to go on a death mission to up the body count of Black Tide agents that they've killed.

" Spencer... I'm sorry for getting with Jackson after i knew i liked you and you liked me too.....I shouldn't have...."

" Now you notice how much that hurt me?"

" I'm saying I'm sorry! I don't apologize much. You know that..."

" Ok..let's just get this over with..we'll turn off the power and then we'll make our move..Ok April? How many rounds do you have?"

" Enough...Also we need an escape route.."

" How do you feel about the vents?"

" I'm claustrophobic...."

"Right...Sorry. Um....The back exit?"

" Sure. Why not? But is the control room close to a high gathering place and near the back exit?."

" Yes."

" Ok lets go.."

" Ok, but if we don't make it out...I just wanted to tell you, that I love you." April loads one round into her gun and she puts it back into her holster. They get to the control room and tell the guard they'll take over so that he can go on break, when he doesn't agree April stabs him and lays him on the floor.

The Life of the Flame: Book 2: From The AshesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora