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This guide was inspired by a misunderstanding.

I was reading An Author's Guide To Greatness: A Collection of Writing Tips.

(A highly recommended book that should be on the Reading List, in my opinion.)

When I read the page called ANATOMY OF THE BOOK- Chapters and Parts.

I made a comment on the way I named my chapters, one of them being Chapter One: Guns for Hands as an example. I confessed that I was Guilty. I meant to say it as Chapter 1: Chapter Name Here.

So LittleRaven94 took it literally and then I remembered of this sketch that is seen below. Though I may not have named a chapter as such, I might as well done it.

Guilty as charged.

This was the original design for the gynoid.

An old sketch that I found in one of my notebooks, which I drew back in high school

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An old sketch that I found in one of my notebooks, which I drew back in high school.

Let me remind any other reader that accidentally (or intentionally) clicks on this fake guide. This is made for laughs.

So I thank her misunderstanding for giving me the inspiration (or ammunition) to make this mock guide a reality.

To that I bid thee adieu.


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