First day of school

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          You was scared about going back to school. You had no friends, you only had your music to listen to. Music stops you from killing people, you don't really like people you find the annoying, I mean sure you talk 2 kids but they weren't your friends it was more of a " you got the homework" or "you got a dap pen on you" kinda situation.

    *you hear your alarm clock go off*
Y/N-"shut the fuck up it's not like I was asleep anyways"
*you say to it turning it off, you get up got in the shower, brushed your teeth, did your hair in a slick back pony with your edges done, you put on ripped jeans air force's then your royal blue champion hoodie one. You then did your eyebrows then put some lip gloss and lashes on. You then go to see your sisters normally one is sleep and the other up getting ready*

Y/n-"hey mini, you ready for the first day of 7th grade kid"
Mini-" y/n in not a kid lil girl and yes"
*You guys laughed, you put a outfit out for jovi, then you sat next to her and you moved her head on your lap and did her hair while she was sleeping, you know she hates school so if you do her hair and put a cute outfit out for her she would be more likely to go to school, you finished and kissed her forehead, the walked over to mini and hugged her and told her to have a good day, but you know she will because she has a lot of friends. You walk out there room and into the hallway*

Grandma -" Y/N get something to eat before you leave and have a good day"
Y/n-"ok grandma and you to love you"
*you say grabbing your bag, water bottle and skate board heading out the door, you don't eat breakfast on week days. you got to the school and thought I really hate this shit, you walk in and went to your locker, you felt a tap on your shoulder so you take one earbud out*

Y/N-"what, oh hi Marie what you want"
Marie-" hey and you trying to smoke I got a pen"
*you guys walk to the bathroom and take a couple hits then you walk out, you really need that dap pen today because you could not stop thinking about jovi and if she would go to school, you then bumped in to a girl she was with her boyfriend*

Y/n-"my bad"
*you say starting to walk away but she was mad*
??-"watch where your going next time"
Y/n-"bitch who even are you"
*you say laughing*
??-"This bitches name is Zoe"
Y/n-"ok and? I don't have time for this bye"
Zoe-"I'm not finished"
Y/n-"I don't give a fuck sis like I said bye"
*they followed to then you stoped"
Y/n-" Ight so do something or leave cuz I'm not about to go back and forth with a dumb bitch"
*she slapped you so you pushed her to the ground and started hitting her blow for blow*

??-"get the fuck off her"
*her boyfriend said pulling you off then he slapped you, then you see a guy walking toward him and punched him*
??-"fuck you doing hitting on a girl"
*you start walking away because you don't care, then you felt a hand tap you*
??-"chill, are you ok"
Y/n-"I'm good who are you"
??-"I'm Mattia my friend Alejandro just helped you back there"
Y/n-"k tell him I said thanks"
*you say walking away*
Alejandro-"or you could just say it"
*you turn around and looked at him*
Y/n-" thanks kid"
Alejandro-"I'm not a kid and your welcome"
Y/n-"you smell like weed"
Mattia-"how u know what weed smells like kid"
Y/n-"I smoke and I'm definitely not a kid"
Alejandro-"we sell and smoke here add my number"
Y/n-" for?"
*you say pulling out your phone*
MaTtia-"so you can buy off us, our stuff way better than what you smoking"
Y/n-"how u know what I smoke"
Mattia-"we sell so obviously we know who els sells in the school"
Y/n-"you stuff probably ass"
*you say giving back Alejandros phone after putting the number in your phone under hottie*
Alejandro-"you got it?"
Y/n-"you get the txt?"
Y/n-"so there's your answer I got to go to class"

(Words 785)

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