My fantasy

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School has finally ended. I packed my bag and quickly walked out of the lecture hall. I wanted to have some time alone at the field before BamBam comes. I'm still thinking of how my very own best friend had kept his whole life a secret, away from me. I found it hard to believe that he would keep it from me, knowing how we practically have been there for one another through our hardest times.

As soon as I reached the field, I was glad that it was empty. I walked towards the centre of the huge grass field, placed my bag down and settling myself right on the grass next to my bag. The sun was already hidden away by the clouds. It was spring. The weather wasn't too hot nor was it too cold. I looked up at the sky to see the clouds floating by. Thinking about how much I didn't know til today.

"Y/N!" I heard a familiar voice, but it wasn't a voice of comfort.

"Hey, Youngjae? Why are you here?" I asked the man who ran towards me after calling out my name, panting hard.

"It's BamBam..."

What? What happened? BamBam what?

"Wh—" before I could finish my sentence, I heard another shout.

"Y/N, Youngjae, quick! They are here!" I turned around to see Jaebeom pointing to the parking lot near the field. I picked up my bag and followed the two.


"Y/N," I felt a hand grab onto mine as I looked at the owner of the voice. I smiled faintly and held the hands of the boy.

"What... happened?" I could hear him struggling to get his words out of his mouth.

"You... were you stressed?" I knew how BamBam would always fall really ill everytime something stresses him greatly. He always shared his stress with me and that's how I've come to this conclusion. This time however, I couldn't exactly pin-point what causes his stress.

"N-not... r-really..." the sound of his voice had me. I tried to hold back my tears. It hurts me everytime when I see this tiny figure fall seriously ill.

"Y/N, the doctor said he'll only be able to be discharged once he gets better. It'll take probably a few days? Maybe a week?" Jaebeom said as he carefully placed his hand on my back, lightly rubbing it, giving me comfort.

"If you need to leave, I can get the boys to look after BamBam. It's okay, you know? We can all take turns to look over him..." Youngjae said as he looked at me in the eye, probably noticing my tired eyes.

"I'm fine, don't worry. You can go off... I'll stay here tonight..." I replied as I held onto BamBam's soft hands. I had nowhere to go. We were supposed to be doing our groceries and then having dinner at the field, but now that he's here at a hospital, I really have nowhere else to be.

"No, I'll schedule the boys to be here with you. We'll take turns among ourselves to be here, accompanying you to look after BamBam," Jaebeom said, scrolling through his messages and giving me a pat.

"It's really fine if you're both busy... I know you won't have time to look after BamBam much. It's really okay... Anyway, I don't really have classes tomorrow and for the next week, most of my lessons are remote lessons," I said, trying to convince the two older boys that I'm perfectly okay being alone with BamBam and that I didn't have to juggle between going to school and being there with BamBam.

"I'll get you a few pairs of clothes then... Since you'll be staying here," the younger one said.

"Thank you," I replied.

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