"So about that next time," Alejandro began. Kairi huffed and playfully hit Alejandro's chest, a dark red blush dusting his cheeks.

"You want a next time to happen and we aren't even dating yet you big goof," Kairi stated.

"Okay, first things first, you were the one who suggested doing it next time," Alejandro deadpanned, earning an offended gasp from Kairi.

"I-well, you were the one who agreed!" Kairi countered and sat up, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Touché. Get up and get ready bubs," Alejandro said, pushing Kairi off of him.

Kairi yelped and looked at Alejandro, confused.

"Get ready? For what?" He asked, running his fingers through his bedhead.

"I'm taking you on a date. To prove that I can be your boyfriend since you say we aren't dating yet," Alejandro answered from the bathroom.

To say that Kairi was happy was an understatement. His heart pattered at an insane rate as he refrained himself from squealing and spamming Alvaro with texts. Alejandro smirked as he heard Kairi giggle and jump off the bed.

Alejandro brushed his teeth and changed into one of Kairi's plain white shirts with a large puffy letterman jacket to go over it, along with a pair of ripped jeans that he bought from the mall. Kairi, on the other hand, was having a wardrobe malfunction.

"Should I wear shorts? Or maybe a pair of jeans would be better. Ugh, why is this so hard," Kairi muttered to himself.

"Kai! Are you done yet?" Alejandro asked, poking his head through the doorway.

"No, give me 5 more minutes," Kairi said, shooing Alejandro away.

Kairi settled on a pair of ripped jeans and a white sweatshirt with an embroidered Japanese cherry blossom and then tied his white Converse shoes. As he walked out the door, Alejandro stood up from the couch and took Kairi's hands in his own. Alejandro's eyes sparkled with eagerness and excitement, like a 4 year old child.

And to think that the boy practically maimed someone last night. Unbelieveable.

"Let's get some coffee and breakfast first, I'm starving," Kairi suggested as they walked downtown. The nearest coffee shop was 5 minutes away so, they walked down the sidewalk, hand in hand.

Kairi loved this coffee shop, it was aesthetic and comfy. The cream colored walls and the cute vine plants outside gave the place a soothing aura. Alejandro held the door open as they entered. The smell of coffee and sweet treats was alluring, making Kairi's stomach rumble.

Alejandro got himself an iced coffee and a caramel frappe for Kairi, along with some glazed doughnuts.

Kairi devoured his meal with gusto, smearing the glaze all over the corners of his mouth.

"What are we doing today?" Kairi asked as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"I was thinking about going to the carnival downtown," Alejandro said.

"Sounds great," Kairi said as he gathered their trash.

"Wait, you got frosting on your face," Alejandro laughed, pointing to the corner of his mouth. Kairi rubbed his face with his sleeve and looked at Alejandro expectantly.

"Mm, close. Here," Alejandro said as he brushed away the frosting with his thumb.

Kairi blushed and muttered a small thank you before running away to go throw away the trash. He ran back and linked his hands with Alejandro's as they left and walked to the carnival.

Kairi's eyes lit up as he spotted the rides from afar. Alejandro paid for their bracelets and they ran off to the nearest ride. It was some spinning cup ride, it wasn't too bad. Kairi and Alejandro were a dizzy mess as they spun around, laughing their heads off.

As they got off, Kairi stumbled and ran into Alejandro's chest.

"Oops," he giggled and then darted off to the Ring of Fire.

Alejandro ran off after him and the two boarded the ride, shaking with excited anticipation. Kairi's eyes widened as they went upside down, his stomach flipping and twisting into knots. Alejandro laughed at the boy's reaction and held his hand.

"Let's go on the rollercoaster!" Alejandro suggested, pulling Kairi along.

After hours of fun, screaming, laughing, and fun, Kairi had already made up his mind.

He was, without an ounce of doubt, in love with this man.

The sky was painted in hues of orange and pink as the sun went down. The carnival lights turned on and Alejandro and Kairi decided to end it with one last ride. They purchased a cone of cotton candy and got on the Ferris Wheel.

As they stopped at the top, Kairi admired the view, gazing down at the multicolored lights below him as he munched on his cotton candy.

"Wow, I like the view," Kairi said breathlessly.

"Me too," Alejandro responded, his eyes glued to Kairi. The Wasian boy turned to see Alejandro staring at him with loving eyes and nearly melted on the spot.

"You're my best view," Alejandro murmured before leaning in and pressing his lips against Kairi's.

His lips were sugar sweet from the cotton candy as Alejandro softly kissed the boy, savouring the taste of his lips. Kairi pulled back, smiling cheekily.

"Does this make me your boyfriend now?" Alejandro asked, pulling Kairi closer to him.

"No doubt, yes," Kairi responded as they shared another sweet kiss.

Butterflies fluttered relentlessly in Kairi's stomach as they kissed on the Ferris Wheel.

It was felt like a movie, Lara Jean could never.

But, not all movies ran too smoothly.

It was going to be nice while it lasted.

« »

and I oop-

Trust me, they're not gonna break up if that's what you're afraid about. Well, I don't know yet.

What I do know is that they're gonna end up together with a happy motherfucking ending.

Bye bitches ❤️

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