The next night

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hey, guys so just so you know this is taking place like if they were college students know in 2020 so there are phones and the outfits are styles that are on-trend know. xoxo

"manda are you sure you don't want to come nick might be there," Kaylee said raising her eyebrow trying to convince Amanda to go out to a bar that night.

"yes Kaylee I have class tomorrow morning I can't be hungover. and nothing is happing with nick so it doesn't t matter if he is there anyway. "

"ok, your choice but im going to have to tell nick you stood him up if he is there and asks." Kaylee said with a small laugh " have fun Kaylee and be safe." Amanda said with a laugh pushing her out the door and sitting down on her bed.


Kaylee walks into the bar and see's David and nick standing there. she knew that he would be there so know she was really wishing Amanda was here. " hey babe" Kaylee said walking up to the guys. Kaylee sees nick starting to look around. probably looking for Amanda, "she's not coming she said she could not be hungover cause she has class tomorrow. "oh ok well im going to leave you too love birds im going to get some dinner." nick leaves the bar and drives back to campus.


Amanda is sitting on her bed on her laptop. when she hears things hitting her window. she gets off her bed and pulls her curtains open. she sees nick standing there. she giggles a little on opens the window. " what are you doing here" "well I was at the bar when Kaylee said you were here alone I thought I would see if you wanted to get some dinner." nick said with a small smile. Amanda took a deep breath "ok ill be down in a second" Amanda closed her window and curtain and ran over to her closet. she grabbed a striped crop top tank top and a pair of shorts. she put and a pair of sandals and pulls her hair into a half up half down. she writes a note for Kaylee telling her where she was going and that she would see her later that night. Amanda walked out of her dorm hall and saw nick sitting in his car. she walked over and climbed into his car. 'he has a jeep' "hey nice to see you again" "yeah it is what were you thinking for dinner" "I was thinking pizza. sound good" "sounds perfect" nick drove to a pizza place right off of campus. Amanda tried to get out when nick out his hand out stopping her. "you can stay here ill bring the pizza out here. I was thinking we could eat at the beach." Amanda nodded and sat back down while nick went in and got the pizza.


nick pulls up to the beach and grabs a blanket out of the back of his car and handed it, Amanda. the got out of the car and walked onto the beach. Amanda placed the blanket down and sat down. nick sat down next to her and handed her a slice of pizza. "thanks, so you didn't tell me a lot about yourself last night." "well what do you want to know," Nick said taking a bit of his pizza.  " you know I'm from Atlanta were are you from" " new york but I always wanted to get out of there what is  why I came to north Carolina for school" "what are you studying here" "criminal justice" "aw that makes since you definitely look like a cop." " What is that supposed to mean," Nick said with a small laugh. "well you look like a good guy a guy that doesn't break the law," Amanda said finishing her pizza. "ah yeah." nick stands up and puts his hand out." what," Amanda said laughing"come one let's go for a walk" Amanda grabbed nicks hand and nick pulled her up. they walk down to the water Amanda stops right before it but nick walks in and turns around looking at her. "aw come on aren't you coming in" Amanda laughed and shook her head. "yes you are" nick grabbed Amanda's hand pulling her into the water. "ah nick" Amanda screamed laughing as her feet hit the cold water " im gonna throw you in." nick picks Amanda up and gets ready to throw her into the water. "nick, nick no nock stop" Amanda said laughing. nick put her down. their faces inches away her hands resting on his chest. "Kaylee was right about you nick" Amanda said with a small smile keeping her hands on his chest. "ah yeah what did she say." nick said looking down at her tucking a piece of her hair behind her ears. " that you were not like all the other guys I meet." "Hey, what can I say I like to be memorable."Amanda gave him a small smile before standing up on her tiptoes pulling nick in by his shirt and giving him a kiss. nick grabs her by his waist pulling her close. Amanda breaks the kiss with a smile."ok can we go back to the blanket my feet are freezing." nick smiled and grabbed Amanda's hand pulling her out of the water. they sit back down on the blanket and Amanda lies down. nick lies down next to her and looked over at Amanda looking up at the night sky. look its a horse" Amanda said pointing up at the sky. "what no it is not." "yes, it looks like a horse " Amanda leans in slightly pointing up at the sky. her head rested on his shoulder slightly. "ah it might look like a horse kinda if you squint your eyes" Nick said with a laugh then smiling down at her. she looked up at him with a smile before shifting her body a little ore to rest on his chest. he wrapped his arm around her pulling her close. Amanda is so happy it completely slipes her mind that she has class the next morning this is how they fell asleep.


Amanda slowly opens her eyes lying on the beach on Nick's chest at first she smiles but then she remembered. she shoots up and grabs her phone "it's 7:40 shit nick wakes up" Amanda says slapping Nick on the chest. "what whats wrong" nick said sitting up "I have class in 20 minutes." "ok, let's go ill drive you." they got up and grabbed the blanket and the pizza box. they tossed the pizza box in the trash and got into Nick's car. they pulled in front of Amanda's dorm. "thanks for the ride nick I really appreciate it." Amanda opened her door and nick reached for her hand. "Amanda I had a lot of fun last night." Amanda smiled a little before brings her hand up to nicks face. "me too" she leaned in giving him a kiss. she got out of the car and turned toward Nick. "now don't go disappearing nic" nick laughed ill try my best." Amanda closed the door and ran up into her dorm. she came running in and Kaylee shot up from her bed. "where have you been did you spend the night with nick." "We fell asleep on the beach by accident but I don't have time to talk I have class." "oh my god, Amanda your lushing I have never seen a guy make you blush." Amanda tuned towered Kaylee" haha Kaylee very funny I don't have time to talk I have class." "I want deets when you get back," Kaylee yelled as Amanda ran out the door. Kaylee laughed as she lied back down on her bed.

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