Its Party Time!

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omg im so sorry i am here i am alive i am writing this chapter for you. its been a very long time and i am very sorry. here you go though :) comment vote and follow :D also the rest of this story is in Hannah's pov

I wake up again on my couch. I roll over and get up, rubbing my eyes and head into the kitchen where i then see the time on the stove... Oh shit, oh no, shit, shit, shit! Its 7:30pm! How did I sleep for this long? The party starts in an hour! Which means Mames is going to be here in 30 minutes to pick me up! Ugh, Mames. All she's going to want to do is comfort me the entire 30 minutes in the car on our way there to the bar.

I snap out of it and run into my bedroom. I put on my white tshirt with a black vest over top and grab a pair of black skinny jeans. Nothing too fancy but I know Grace wont care. Well that and Grace isnt all too fancy when it comes to dresses and those things either sooo..

By the time I'm finished getting ready, I hear a banging at my door. I grab my phone and run to the door and open it revealing Mamrie who is wearing a floral dress and a pair of flats with her leather jacket.

"You look... Casually nice." Mamrie says after getting a good glance of me. I lock my door and follow her to the car.

"You too" I reply.

"Hey! I wasn't aiming for casual."

I smile and we get into the car, "You look great Mametown."

There's a few minutes of awkward silence as we start driving but Mamrie, of course, speaks first.

"Hannah, listen-"

I cut her off. I knew this was going to happen. She was going to comfort me and tell me that every things going to be okay."Mamrie can you just not do this right now? Can we just not talk about it?"


I let out a small sigh "Sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"No, no. I get it."

The rest of the car ride to the bar was silent. We both get out and head into the bar. 

I see Grace sitting at the bar already hanging out and drinking with Sarah and a couple other girls. I walk over and so does Mammrie. Grace stands right up from her bar stool and hugs both Mamrie and I tightly.

"Hey guys!" She says excitedly and lets us go.

"Hey Smellbig!" Mamrie responds back.

I feel Mamrie hit my arm. I must have been staring at Grace but i just cant help it.

"Hey Grace!"

Later that night, everyone was pretty much wasted. I on the other hand, not so much. I had a couple drinks but not enough to make me intoxicated or even a little bit tipsy. All I think about is Grace. God, she is adorable. Especially drunk. Dancing out on the dance floor, the both of them drunk as fuck. But i mean, when are they not? I cant help but smile at Grace as she trips over her own feet.

A little while later Mamrie leaves. Some guy at the bar took her home apperantly. I take my phone out and check the time. It's almost midnight. I glance over to look at Grace who is walking my way.

Maybe I should tell her now. No.. Yes? The next thing I know, Grace trips and nearly falls face first to the floor but i catch her just in time. I stand her back up and she leans against the bar.

"Good catch there Hannah Hart." She says, her words slurred.

"Thank you. Hey why don't i take you home Grace? Its almost midnight and I can already tell the regretful hangover you'll have tomorrow morning."

"mmmkaaay I guess sooo. But can we go to your place? Chester is probably still having his bachelor partyyy."

"Yeah, sure."

The bartender gives me Grace's car keys and both Grace and I head out of the bar.

The entire car ride there was silent with a few hiccups from Grace. After every hiccup she would let out her adorable little giggle and i couldn't help but giggle along with her.

Not too long after, we arrive at my place. I help her get out of the car and into the apartment.

I let her burrow a pair of my pyjamas and I helped her put her hair up in a messy bun that sat perfectly on her head.

Then out of nowhere she runs into the bathroom. Now all I hear is her vomiting in the toilet. I grab a tall glass of water and walk into the bathroom where I see her hugging the toilet bowel. She grabs the water and drinks some of it. I sit right behind her and without really thinking, I hold her around her waist gently. Surprisingly to me, she didn't push me away.

"Grace?" I ask sort of quietly.

"Yeah Han?" I can tell now by the tone in her voice that she was fairly sober.

"I love you..."

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