#2 Shut up, Potter

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co-written by: Fluffykinsp
prompt requested by: @firewreath

When Lily and James get locked in a broom cupboard together, will Lily choose to finally confess her feelings? Or will she carry on living in denial?

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'You IDIOT, Potter!' Lily Evans fractured the thick silence in the air with her shrill voice, 'You good for nothing, arrogant, bigheaded, selfish, useless toerag!'

James Potter smirked, and leant back on the door in the small broom cupboard, 'You really do know how to make a guy feel loved, Evans.' She knew he was joking, but now was not the time.

'Get out the way!' She snapped, trying to push him away from the door, but it was in vain. He walked away according to his own will, still smirking. She tried the handle for the hundredth time, knowing it would still be locked, but still groaning in frustration when it didn't budge. She still tried again.

'That's not going to work.' The tall boy couldn't help but grin at her desperate efforts, 'This is your fault, you know.' He teased. not his smartest idea. She exploded.

'My fault? My fault? He's your friend!' Lily was fuming, and she wasn't going to hide that. Though she was still trying to be careful to hide something else. The last thing she wanted was to be stuck in a broom closet with James Potter.  She didn't want her secret to slip.

'You do know what Sirius is like, though. Of course he's going to lock us in a tiny room together if it means-' James stopped abruptly, and averted his eyes from her to study the countless bottles of cleaning supplies stacked on the shelves.

'If it means what?' Lily demanded, finally giving up her efforts of trying to force the locked door open.

'Oh, y'know...' James said as vaguely as possible, 'but you really should know better than to trust him with your wand. I don't know what you expected of him.' he was starting to think this wasn't Sirius' brightest idea as well.

'Not for him to grab it and run! Why is this all my fault? You're the one that told me to give to him!'

'Hmm, but that ponders the question: Why did you listen to me, a - what was it? - An arrogant beheaded, selfish toerag?

'An good for nothing, arrogant big headed selfish, useless torag.' Lily corrected him.

James smiled at the floor, rather sadly, but Lily pointedly ignored it. 'Yeah. That.' He let his body slide down the wall until he was sitting on the floor. He patted the ground next to him, looking up at Lily. All traces of melancholy had disappeared from his face.  'Care to join me, Evans? Looks like we're going to be here a while.'

'I'm good.' Lily said, even though she did want to sit down. Instead, she studied the door again, her arms crossed in front of her, thinking.

James laughed lightly to himself, but it wasn't necessarily a happy laugh. More nervous. And worried. Lily ignored this as well, and rolled her eyes, averting them from the stubborn door to look down at him. 'What's so funny?'

'Nothing.' James said, looking up at her, but his eyes twinkled with secrets and nervousness. Lily sighed and sat down next to him, giving in to the desire to sit down .

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