A London Crisis

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It all began in 2011, when the records for the census in London were recorded and collected. The information was brought back to the administrative council of London so that they could see who was living in London. Mayor Boris Johnson was standing patiently, looking outwards to the centre of London wondering what had become of the magnificent city of London.

“Excuse me Sir, the information from the census has arrived. They’re waiting for you in the boardroom.”

Righty-O! I’ll be down in a jiffy.” Boris replied.

Boris had one more look over the view of the city before turning away and heading towards the boardroom.

As he entered the boardroom, there were many people who stood up from their seats as a sign of respect. Many councillors, administrative staff and executive members. Boris walked to the front of the room to a glass table which was formally laid out. He was handed a large brown envelope which had a great thickness to it. He began to open it carefully as everyone’s eyes were now focused on him, creating a slight tension in the room. When the envelope was opened, he delicately took out the pages of data and began to read them. Quickly scanning over each page about the population of London, who they were, what was their occupation, what was their religious beliefs, housing income, any benefits they may have had etc. Then he reached the last page, a page of great significance, this page revealed the total population of the area of London, which proved a large importance so that the London Council could look at how much London has increased over the years since the last census. Boris’ mouth dropped open as he read the figure.

“Oh my word!”

What is it Sir? Is something wrong?” asked one of the Chief Executors.

Em...Well the entire population is…8.2 million! That is an increase of 12 per cent since the last census in 2001 and I’m afraid to say that London should only be housing 7.5 million. London is dangerously overpopulated.”

At this point, there was a large amount of murmur among the room.

One person shouted out,

“What are we going to do Sir?

The rest of the room agreed.

Boris stood up and loosened his tie.

Urm…I have absolutely no idea…But I do have one, I will take a visit to Downing Street to see David Cameron. Maybe he can put in a tax or something to get people out of London.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2014 ⏰

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