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My eyes slowly fluttered open but  my sight was hazy.

The pounding drums in my head didn't help situations either.

My body seemed pinned down, I couldn't move.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked.

That voice sounded so familiar. Sophia.

I tried to sit up and she helped me.

"No." I answered her previous question.

"Here this should help." She said handing me a pill and a glass of water.

I hurriedly drank it up wanting this throbbing headache to leave.

When it finally  eased into a slight throbbing and my sight was  finally clear.

I saw that we were in my room at her apartment.

I can't remember coming here. In  fact I don't remember anything from last night.

"Sophia, what happened, you know last night." I asked.

" I looked for you all over, I finally found you all drunk and messed up in some you remember how you got there.?"

I tried searching in my head for how I got there but nothing in fact there was nothing of the party in my head.

"No, I don't remember"

"Well, I called for assistance and I brought you right home."

I nodded understanding.

"Sophia, I think I should go home." I announced.


"Don't get me wrong, Nevada's okay but who knows what could have happened to me there"

"Yeah sure, okay. Just make sure you get your  all  things." She said in monotone.

"Are you angry with me or something?"

"Why wouldn't I be." She yelled in my face.

Wait what?!

"Why......." I started.

"You're literally trying to say that,my lifestyle is danger. I mean for your dainty highness."she snapped

"How can you  even say that? Of course that's not what I'm saying." I said still not understanding the reason for her anger.

"Whatever, just leave before I'm a bad influence on you. " she deadpanned leaving my room.

"That's exactly what I'm going to do." I yelled after her.

And exactly an hour later, I was standing in the airport awaiting my flight.

And before I knew it, I was in a plane going back to Washington.dc

I  rang the bell to the  mansion like castle we inherited from  grandfather.

The door was opened by a warden and I walked in.

"Hello, madam".

"What have I told you all." I snapped at the poor man.

I was still angry from my previous argument with Sophia.

"I have said that madam is for mom and I am not mom. I have repeated that countless of times haven't I?" I grimaced at him.

"Yes, you have." He whimpered.

"So then why are you finding it so hard to comply." I yelled to him.

Wealth vs Royalty (Editing going on)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora