
All the kids in the hallway laughed and giggled.

Dustin and Will complained about how everyone dressed up last year, and when do people think it's convenient to make these decisions.

The thing was, M/n was gonna dress up as Jason from the Friday the 13 movie, but his outfit wasn't exactly ready.

The universe decided to spare him from an embarrassing moment.

"It's a conspiracy I'm telling you."

"Who you gonna call? The nerds!" A random kid sang, which aggrivated M/n even more.

"Yeah? And how long did it take you to come up with that?!" M/n called back in annoyance.

Mike and Will went to their lockers while M/n stuck around Dustin and Lucas.

They turned around once their heard the sound of wheels gliding across the tiles floor, turns out it was the legendary zoomer, Max.

"We gotta do this?" "Not right now, We look like morons." Lucas declined.

"What you guys talking about?" M/n interjected while wrapping his arms around Lucas and Dustin's neck easily.

"We're planning on inviting Max to go trick or treating with us."

"Ooh, as much as that sounds like a fun idea, you know how Mike turned out once El disappeared." M/n shook his head disappointingly, knowing full well Mike was gonna give a big fat cherry on top 'No'.

"Well, maybe she likes Ghostbusters." Dustin ignores his comment.

"Well, of course she likes Ghostbusters, but that's not the point."

"The point is, you guys are dressed up and she isn't." M/n added.

"I didn't bring any extra clothes, did you?" Dustin looks over. "No.." Lucas slumps slightly.

"Then we have no choice. We gotta do this. It's now or never." Dustin tries to hype Lucas up, which manages to work. M/n can do nothing but sigh as he watched his friends getting ready to walk over.

They stop realizing that Max was already closing her locker and walking away.

"We can ask her after class." Dustin claims confidently, while Lucas let's out a relieved sigh. "Yup."


Men and women all stand behind a window, preparing for their experiment.

Before them, was a oval shaped gooey hole. Covered in dark greenish blue vines  and flakes of whatever floating around. A man puts on a yellow hazmat suit, and another man making sure it's secure on him.

The man steps into an elevator type doorway, but instead of going down, it opens up again but on the other side of the window. The man walks up to the hole, holding a green box.

The man steps into the hole without taking a glance back and proceeds to push away at the vines.

The camera on the man's chest displays a blue scenery, the footage glitching in and out of static.

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