I trust you

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Kuroo always had girls hitting on him. Working at a coffee shop and all, girls constantly came by just to see him and try to flirt with him, of course they were shocked when kenma stopped by on his lunch break and Kuroo was the first one to greet him at the door. Kenma knew that Kuroo loved him, and him only. But there was always that one little voice inside his head telling him he wasn't good enough, That Kuroo would find someone new.

This time something was different. Kenma stopped by the coffee shop that Kuroo was working at, when he stopped just outside the window to see a boy, who looked and was about the same height as kenma, obnoxiously flirting with Kuroo across the counter. That's when kenma's switch flipped, and his legs just took him, took him away from the coffee shop, away from the boy who looked like him, away from work, away from Kuroo. He went home, slammed the door behind him. And slammed his hands down on the counter and sobbed. He didn't bother calling back into work and telling them why he went missing. He just cried and cried and cried.

Why was he being this way? He trusted Kuroo, He knew Kuroo loved him. But for some reason something inside him just snapped. Maybe it was because the boy looked just like kenma, or maybe it was because he knew there were other people that Kuroo could easily leave him for. He was so in his head he didn't even realize that he'd had three missed calls, one from his co-worker and two from Kuroo. It wasn't long before Kuroo got off work, so kenma decided to take a shower and try to calm himself down. He loved showers, cold ones specifically. The feeling of the cool water dripping down his back was just calming to him for some reason, the only time he ever wanted to be warm... was when he was in Kuroos arms. Kuroo used to call him "cold blooded kenma" as a joke when they were kids.

After he got out of the shower it was already 6 pm and Kuroo would be home any second. "How long was I in that damn shower" he thought. He still didn't feel any better. His eyes were swollen and his head hurt, he knew Kuroo would question him, so he just prepared himself and came up with a story to tell Kuroo and practiced it over and over so Kuroo wouldn't get suspicious. Low and behold, Kuroo came home nearly on the brink of a nervous breakdown. Kenma was in the other room when he heard Kuroos voice. "Kitten, Kitten where are you? Are you ok?" Kenma calmly walked into the kitchen where Kuroo was standing. Kuroo swerved around and looked at the blonde haired boy standing in front of him. Kuroo knew that kenma was about to cry, so he hurriedly made his way over to hug him. Kenma welcomed him with open arms and tears already rushing down his face

Kuroo pulled away and looked the frail boy in the eyes, whipping his tears away gently. "What's wrong Ken, did someone hurt you?" He said with one of the most caring tones kenma had ever heard him speak. Kenma didn't answer, he just whipped his eyes and sniffled. "Kenma... please. What happened." He finally broke and told Kuroo what was wrong. "I-I saw the boy at the shop today." He said in a choked voice. "The- the o-one that looked like me. The one that obviously flirting with y-you. I-I didn't wanna barge in and look jealous so I just ran. I-I-I'm so sorry." And at that moment kenma burst into tears again, sobbing against his boyfriends chest. "Oh, so that's why you didn't stop by today?" Kenma nodded, still crying. "Kitten, why would you not tell me. You know I would never hurt you like that. I asked the kid to leave because he was getting mad that I had a boyfriend. Like really mad, it was kinda funny." He chuckled. "But h-he looked just like me, I figured if he looked like-" kenma was cut off my Kuroo pulling away and putting his hands on kenmas shoulders

"Kenma... he didn't look like you at all." Kuroo said with confidence. "B-but he-" Kuroo cut him off. "He didn't have your eyes, your voice, your smile. He didn't stand the way you stand, all cute and fragile, he didn't have your hands, your frame... he looked nothing like you" he continued. "Maybe to others, but not to me. I notice every little thing that you think I don't. I fell in love with all those little things. I fell in love with your gaming face, I fell in love with the way you walk, the way you play volleyball back in high school. I fell in love with you kenma."

"But there's so many other people-"

"I don't want other people, I want you. I want kenma kozume. I want my pudding head, my kitten, my best friend, the love of my life, my future husband if I'm lucky enough. I don't want anyone else. I want you and you only."

"I trust you." Kenma said with a smile. "Good, now get your cold blooded ass on the couch I got us takeout." Kuroo said confidently. "Cuddles?" Kenma said quietly.


"Cookies afterwards?"

"You know it."

Kenma sat there playing with his fingers looking up at kuroo Innocently

"Anything else your forgetting?" He said with a smile

"Yes, there will be kisses"

Kenma let out a little shrill with one of the cutest smiles Kuroo had ever seen in all his years of being with kenma.

And with that smile, kenma held his arms out and up so Kuroo could pick him up. And so he did, and then slammed him down on the couch smothering him with tiny kisses all over his face, earning little giggles and smiles from kenma. All that was going through kenma's head....

'I trust you'

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