"Thanks! This will help a lot of street children." He was filled with joy before putting the envelope in the drawer of his desk.

"Ayla, tell the class that everyone should come with me to help those street children next week." Sir Joseph instructed Ayla.

The young man pointed at Ayla " You're part of the play right?

She nodded. "Yes."

"Goodluck! Make your adviser proud." He said before leaving the room.

An awkward silence filled the room for a second.

"Can I leave now?" Ayla stood up in a little hurry.

"Uhmmm... Yeah, just don't forget to announce to the class about next week." He reminded Ayla.

She just gave him two thumbs up that made him frowned.

She's about to leave when.

"Wait, are you going to stay here in school?" He stopped her and Ayla looked back.

She nodded. "I going to practice for tomorrow at the theater."

"Can I have another copy of the play's script?" He grinned.

She looked at the ceiling and paused for a bit to think. "I don't have a copy right now but I think I can bring you one at 3 pm."

"But I need to leave at 2 pm" A moment of silence in the room as they tried to figure out a solution.

"Maybe just leave the script here on my desk." And he throws a duplicate key for the room to Ayla.

"Sure." She failed to catch the key and picked it up on the floor.

"Don't forget to lock the door and, Don't. Break. Anything." He clearly instructed before letting her leave.


Ayla asked me yesterday to help practice her speech as she was still not satisfied with her performance.

I gladly accepted it. And now I'm walking my way to the school when I receive a message from her.

"Can you bring me a copy of the script?" I came back right at home to get a copy and also some food for her.

As I enter the theater she was already there. Standing in the middle of the stage so beautiful and powerful. As I slowly walked inside I was stunned, she's simply amazing.

She saw me walking and gave me the best smile. She walked towards me and everything felt slow until she slips herself and came crashing down the stair.

She is Ayla. Clumsy. That's why I love her.

I rushed into her and luckily she's fine like there's nothing happened, she even managed to laugh.

"Be careful next time!" I helped her to stand up while she brushed off some dirt on her skin and clothes.

"Here I brought you your favorite." I handed her a paper bag.

She accepted it and immediately took a bite at the bread inside.

"Thanks... I'm so hungry."

After she ate we started the practice. She was a fast learner and easily applied the advice that I gave in her performance.

She slowly got the emotion, gestures, clarity, and everything. She kept getting better and better until I can clearly see a winner.

She was filled with excitement when she knew that she was finally ready. It was so nice and I'm happy.

"Thank you so much!" She gave me a high-five after we're done and I held her hand.

"You got this. Good luck!" I told her before letting it go.

"Please watch me tomorrow." She requested and I nodded.

"Of course."

"Let's go." She said and we walked out of the theater.

We're about outside the school when I decided to remind her about the script, then she freaks-out.

"Right! The script!" I gave it to her and she commanded me.

"Wait for me. Don't move!"

She ran towards the office of Sir Joseph and slowly unlocked and opened the door.

When she dropped the script on the desk her hand accidentally bumped into a display at the side. It fell down and broke into pieces.


7 DaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora