95. Typing... Pt. 1

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An-Tony and Pepper decided they want to adopt, eight-year-old Peter is a very complicated child, Peter has select mutism


Tony and Pepper watched the small boy build the tower of blocks, his face screwed up in concentration. He was in a little collared polo shirt, shorts, little socks and shoes. His legs were covered in bandaids, his hair fell over his face every few minutes. They couldn't help but coo at him, he was an adorable little thing.

"Don't mind the bandaids, Peter falls over a lot. He runs too fast and then can't slow down." The caretaker said, Peter looked up at the mention on his name and waved at her excitedly. She grinned and waved back, leading Pepper and Tony over.

"How are you today Peter? What are you building?" She asked, crouching down to Petr's level. Peter pointed out the window to the skyscrapers in the distance, the woman's face broke into a wide smile.

"It's very good Peter, are you almost finished?" She asked, Peter nodded, placing the final block before motioning to it. Peter smiled at he crouched down beside him.

"It think you could win first place with that tower!" Pepper said, Peter's eyes glittered as he started giggling. The caretaker and Tony walked away while Pepper and Peter continued playing with the blocks.

"He doesn't talk. He never has. We don't know whether if his voice box is damaged if he doesn't know how or just won't. His parents died when he was really young, no one knew he was at the house. When they found him he'd been alone for three weeks, he'd made a lot of progress. He will express emotion now, and he will point and gesture, just no talking. Other than that he's completely normal, too normal. He eats on his own, gets dressed on his own, he does everything by himself." She said sadly, smiling lightly when Pepper managed to get him to laugh at her impression of Tony.

"His brains not damaged if you're going to ask. He's brilliant, way ahead of all the kids his age, he can understand you, it's just like he can't communicate. His psych evaluation revealed that his parents were neglectful, he'd never been touched or hugged. The first time I gave him a cuddle he fell right to sleep. He loves physical affection, takes it at any chance he can get." They watched as Peter hugged Pepper around her neck, she laughed before wrapped her arms around his small body.

"Do you think he will use sign language?" Tony asked. She shook her head no.

"We know he knows it, because he responds to questions when we use it, but he won't use it himself. He refuses to, but I think with time he might." She said, watching as Pepper picked Peter up and carried him over to Tony and the caretaker. For an eight-year-old he was tiny.

"This is Tony, how about you introduce yourself?" Pepper said gently, Peter turned in her grip, signing his name slowly, pointing to himself after. The caretaker's mouth fell open, Tony grinned, Clint had taught him a couple of things.

"Hello, Peter, my names Tony."


Peter was situated on Tony's shoulders, gripping his forehead tightly. He had on his little backpack, his face was excited and full of glee. Happy was rolling his small suitcase behind the two. Peter was a delight, Tony couldn't help but grin every time he saw him. When the elevator opened Pepper, Tony, Happy and Peter stepped out. Tony had a firm grip on his shins so he wouldn't fall. The team stood up from their seats and gathered around the four. Happy left to put Peter's back in his new room.

"Hello everyone," Pepper said brightly, Peter waved excitedly, making a small happy noise from the back of his throat.

"Oh, he's so cute!" Wanda said, waving back at him, Peter started giggling at the comment. Tony grunted as he pulled Peter off of his shoulders, Peter immediately took his hand.

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