🔱🔱 Ch 28. Happy

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" Yes!!!! I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!! "

he shouted and carried me around shouting non stop.

He soon put me back on the bed letting me sit as he kneel down in front. Cupping my face  , his eyes sparkle with so much joy. "Thank you babe. You just don't know how happy i am. I love you so much and our baby. " he said as he gave me a kiss in the lips and joyfully  rubs my tummy though it's still perfectly flat. He kissed it then afterwards. " I love you baby." he whispered and gave it another peck.

It seems too good to be true but i admit, I've never been this happy in my life and i know he is as well. I think there's still a lot of things ahead of us but i know we're going to make it.

I guess.

As soon as the news are out me and jungkooks family had a serious talk

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

As soon as the news are out me and jungkooks family had a serious talk. My family went all the way to Australia to meet his parents.

Both companies opened it up to the public, some are positive but of course you can't please anyone. But we really don't mind at all as long as we're both happy and blessed.

" Babe...." pouting my lips as i sat beside Jungkook who's actually on vlive with Army's. I was unaware coz i was busy thinking about vanilla ice cream with mangoes and avocado's on top. Weird right? Knowing me who dislikes avocado's my whole life can't get enough of it that i even combined it with vanilla ice cream and mangoes then the worst part is, i actually put ketchup on it as well. Nasty combination but i certainly love it. Tagging Jungkooks arm's who is busy entertaining his fans i grumpily grab his shirt. "I want vanilla icecream, mangoes and avocado's love.... Please." pleading like an infant who's carrying a 4 months old baby on her tummy Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle.

"Love, im talking to the Army's." he said pointing the camera which made me a little bit ashamed and shy for acting like a baby infront of 3 million Armys around the globe.

I turned to face the camera and bowed politely still red in the face. "Anyeong Ami's, im sorry i was craving for avocados and mangoes but i cant find one in the fridge." i shyly said pouting earning another amused chuckle on Jungkook. He grabbed my waist and let me sat on his lap while looking at me lovingly not ashamed if his fans can see it.

As he rubs my tummy who's showing the little bean on it, not really big but just perfect for a 4 months healthy baby growing inside. "Do you want me to buy avocado's and mangoes?" he gently ask which i nodded visible sparkles in the eyes and undoubtedly a very wide smile. The comments in his vlive was flooding with love from his fans.

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