94. Order in the court

Start from the beginning

"I can't tell you anything, because I'm not ready. But I want you to be there for me at the trial." Peter said quietly, wiping away the tear stains.

"We'll be there kid," Steve said gently.

"All of us." Natasha added.


After many sleepless nights, screaming and crying, Peter finally had his prepared statement, as well as gathering evidence. He was sitting next to his lawyer, he had to give it to her, she was amazing. Tony and Pepper had taken him out for a suit fitting, so he was sitting in a crisp blazer that matched his slacks, clean white button-down and matching blue tie to his blazer. THe whole team were in formal where, sitting in the audience. The whole trial was going to be filmed and released. When Skip got on the stand he had nothing to say, he said what he did was within his rights. Peter cringed when they read out the allegations, there was a lot.

"We now call Peter Parker-Stark to the stand." Peter's head shot up, with an encouraging smile from his lawyer; Megan, he stood up shakily and made his way to the stand. After the oath, he felt his hands start shaking wildly.

"Can you tell us how old you were when you met Steven Westcott?" Megan asked.

"Eleven ma'am." He said, Megan nodded.

"Can you explain the circumstances of your meeting?" She asked.

"I was in the local library to write a book report, he offered to help me." He answered.

"Did Steven want you to pay him for this tutoring?" Megan asked.

"No, he said that as long as we were friend I didn't have to pay him." Peter said.

"Do you think this aided in gaining your trust?" Megan asked, staring Peter in the eyes.

"Yes, my guardians were struggling for income, and him not wanting me to pay him for help made me trust him, and feel safe with him." Peter said, looking down into his hands as he spoke.

"Can you tell who your guardians at the time were?" She asked, walking closer.

"Benjamin Peker and May Parker." Peter said.

"Can you explain to the court why you were placed in their care and why you are no longer in their care?" She asked.

"My parents, Mary and Richard Parker died in a plane crash when I was five. My uncle was shot in a robbery when I was thirteen, and my aunt May died of a heart attack when I was sixteen." Peter said.

"I call evidence lot 322 A t the stand." Megan said, she paused to look at Peter, who nodded, "The series of photos are some of over eighty photographs, the jury has been provided with a copy of each photograph. They are polaroids that are dated, timed, and have a written description of the events happening in them, written by one Steven Westcott." Megan turned away from the jury to click the projector on. She slides the physical copies of the shown polaroids to Peter who picked them up.

Staring back at himself was twelve year old Peter Parker. Some of them he was naked, some of them he was half-clothed, or in ripped clothing.

"Could you please identify the person on these photos?" Megan asked, Peter nodded.

"It's me. In the photos." He said quietly.

"Can you tell the court how these photos make you feel?" Megan asked gently.

"Scared, sad, angry, weak, dirty, ashamed," Peter said, taking a long pause between each word. Megan nodded, standing right in front of the podium.

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