"Keep it just beneath." Rafe's voice was just a whisper with the blood pounding in my ears and my wolf trying to break free. I could barely, it was like there was a scream echoing through my head, and it was my own scream. The pleading, agonized scream of my human self trying to keep control.

I used the techniques I'd learned from my previous Alpha. I started taking deep breaths and thinking of something that calmed me down.

"Now think about the last time you felt yourself losing control when you were with your mate."

With his words my mind immediately turned over to Electra and me in her kitchen. I hadn't actively switched my thought process, but his words had done it for me. I felt the fire burning through me as I touched her, the feel of her lips and her skin beneath my mouth.

My wolf was flaring up again just as it had that day and the pain came stronger this time as I felt everything breaking through the thin layer of control. I felt the rumble of a growl in my chest as I fought for control over my body.

After a moment I felt a hand on my shoulder and my wolf immediately fell down, hiding as if it didn't even exist. And in that moment, I wished it didn't. I wished I were just a regular human who didn't have to worry about anything supernatural.

"That is odd. Control should act the same either way; however with the mere thought of your mate something shifts in you. I can feel it when it happens, but I'm not sure what it is. It appears that your wolf is stronger than you think it is though."

"You can feel it? You mean you can sense it."

"No, I feel it. I can feel your wolf pushing against you and I can feel the human part of you pushing back."

I wasn't sure how he could feel all of that, especially when he hadn't even laid a hand on me until he pushed my wolf back down. I wasn't even sure how that had worked. With one simple touch-not even a single word-that man had managed to take my wolf down so far that I could barely even feel it. For the first time in a long time, I had felt almost human. I could have fooled myself if it weren't for the memory of the claws threatening to break through.

"Being on your own is most certainly part of what is going on. Wolves are stronger in packs, they lend strength to their brothers and sisters and with that strength comes control. This is also a new mate I assume?"

I nodded.

"And I also assume that you have not solidified the bond between you two."

"You would be correct, Sir."

"If you're wanting to remain free from a pack, which I wouldn't necessarily advise, you're going to want to complete the mating process. I can't guarantee you that it will fix your problems, but it will most certainly help. As for why your mate does this, I can't say. This is something I've most certainly never seen before, at least not to this extent."

I nodded my head, taking in what he was saying. I was either going to have to join a pack, or complete the bond and mate with Electra. She knew that I had an issue of controlling myself, but she didn't know to what extent, and I wasn't sure how thrilled she would be when she found out what my options were, or that they didn't necessarily guarantee that my situation would be fixed. I wasn't sure how I would explain to her that the very memory of us together was enough to make me lose control.

I couldn't lose control; I couldn't let her know that I lost control. If that happened, I would be the very thing that her hunting organization had told her about. I would be the crazed creature, and she would most likely kill me.

If I didn't get this fixed, and if I bit Electra outside of marking her, it would turn her. If we happened to get close on a full moon and I scratched her; that could potentially turn her. I didn't wish this on normal humans, and if something like that happened to Electra, someone who already hated the supernatural world-

What would she do with herself?

I couldn't even think about the possibilities, let alone what her family and the rest of her people would do to her. There was no telling what could happen with her.

Actually there was; they would kill her. Even if we ran away, they would hunt her down and kill her. I barely knew the hunters, and I already knew they had the means and the skill to follow her and track her down if need be, and they wouldn't stop until they had her.

If I could help it, I wouldn't let that happen, and that's why I needed this. Even if what he said didn't work, he had still given me a place to start, or at least something to contemplate, and for that I was grateful.

"Thank you, Sir. I wish there was something I could do for you." I honestly wished there was a way I could repay him for at least extending a hand to me.

"Actually," I said something coming to mind. "I may know someone who could help you find the rogues you're after. She could possibly try at least."

"And who's that?" Rafe asked looking at me curiously.

"My mate. She and the people she knows tend to be good at tracking down magical creatures like werewolves. I might be able to put in a good word for you, though after I tell her what you told me I'm not sure how much credibility I'll have left with."

He smiled slightly as if he knew what I was talking about. If his world was anything like what I imagined, I doubted he had the same problem I did. I found it hard to believe that he had the problem of his mate being a hunter who he then had to convince to trust him.

I could always be wrong though.

"Women are an interesting species aren't they?" Rafe asked and I heard Ty make a sound that resembled a laugh.

I chuckled at that and Rafe and I exchanged information. He had bought a phone from here when the witch had sent him through, and we exchanged out contact information. Rafe gave me the names of the rogues he was after; I told him that when I got in touch with Electra I would ask if she could work on finding them.

When I left the bar, I was feeling much better than when I had gone in. Even though I wasn't sure how Electra would react when I told her what I had found out, I still had somewhere to start, and there was a possibility that I was going to be able to help the person who had helped me.

I just hoped that everything from there on out went better, and I hoped the rest of the two weeks would go by quickly. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to last the two weeks. Not because I needed to be with Electra, though there was that desire. I didn't know if I'd be able to do it because I wanted to figure out how to gain my control back, and I needed her for that.


Some of you may recognize our dear Alpha friend from another story of mine. I hope you liked the little world cross there.

It appears that our Jared is in a bit of a situation with his two choices to help his inner control of the beast. But hopefully this plays out... Without too much of a freakout from Electra.

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