ch2 - wrist

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I drop my bag at my feet on the bus. The bag slides past my two taped up fingers and I wince at the pain. I feel so bad for my soulmate right now. I inspect my hand I notice something messily written on my right wrist.

You ok?

I pull a pen out of my bag. Putting the pen to my skin I was about to simply write ya. But I wasn't really ok. We did win against Shiratorizawa but I feel like I could've done better. We played a whole five sets, I was only able to stop one of his spikes. I got injured and was out of the game. I know overall I did good, but it doesn't feel like it.


I write underneath the concerned question in equally messy writing. To my disappointment, realized there was no paint littered on my hands today. Did I hurt them that bad? Then I see pencil smudges along my left pinky and side of my palm.

Practicing with the left hand now? This was one of the reasons I simply admire my soulmate. They never seem to give up.

We aren't in contact that much. After giving up on finding each other, communication died down. We just live life in a comforting reminder that we aren't alone, that's about all. But through the colours that appear on the back of my hand or small doodles and notes appearing on my wrist, they always show me something admirable about my soulmate.

What's wrong? (Other than the fingers)

I watch the letters sloppily appeared on my wrist.

I didn't do my best today, I could've done better.

Please, if your preserving though all that the pain even after you got injured. I think you where doing just fine.

I felt my heart melt.

Did it hurt much for you?

It hurt like hell

I pull out my gym towel and water bottle and wipe off my messages that where littered all down my arms. They get the signal and do the same.

Well, you kinda deserve it. Considering the pain you put me though each month.

It's not like I can help that.

I feel a smirk grow on my lip.

"Tsukki, whatcha smiling at?" Yamaguchi says leaning across the isle to get a look at what I'm writing. I quickly drop my arm.

"Shut up."


I wipe off the rest of the conversation as our bus pulled up to our school, Karasuno High. I grab my things, being mindful of my finger. I spot my brother and his car.

"Yikes, are you ok?" He asks motioning to my hand as we get in the car.

"I'm fine."

"Alright." The rest of the ride home was silence.

I already took a shower at the gym, but I needed another one to relax. Around this time is where the soreness of my muscles catch up to me. The hot water on my back feels good. I wash up being mindful of my wound. A ping of guilt sinks in my chest and I inspect the injury. I clench my hand a hold it close to my heart as if it would share my quiet apology. My guilt washes away like it was washed away with the water. No words, no notes, no writing, but I knew they heard me. I really want to be with them.

I treat my wound and re-bandage it. I need to take care of it so I can heal fast. For the both of us. I flop in bed, completely exhausted from today.

Fingers, I feel fingers lightly tracing the inside of my right palm. I open my eyes, no one is there. There is just my empty room. But the sensation is still there. Fingers tracing my palm, then wrist and now up and down my arm. I feel the heat of their fingers, the texture, the tickling sensation.


I've never heard of being able to feel a soulmates touch. But I'm feeling it now.
An overwhelming sense of longing washes over me. Warm feelings swell up inside of me. Tears leak from my eyes. Such a sense of wholeness fills me, I feel like I've found them. I know I haven't but I don't want this to end I don't want to let them go. 

Where are you?

Drawn to you // Tsukishima x reader  -  soulmate AU!Where stories live. Discover now